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BullsEye Focuser - DIY Arduino + Trinamic TMC2209 based focuser with temperature measurement


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Being quite new to this type of thing I've seen on Amazon quite a few Arduino Nano's and am not certain which to get or would any one of them be ok? It appears most of them have pins already soldered to the board which I'm assuming is a no-o and would have to be removed. I'm trying to get hold of as many of the parts from Amazon as I can for speedy delivery. As for the stepper motor is concerned must it be that exact make and model number or would something else suffice? 



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Also, the only TMC2209 I can find for fast delivery (before Xmas) says: TMC2209 V1.2 Silent StepSticks Stepper Motor Driver VS TMC2130/TMC5160 for 3D Printer Parts SKR V1.3/Mini E3 V2.0. It also comes with pins soldered on the board! Is this ok?


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4 hours ago, dazzystar said:


Being quite new to this type of thing I've seen on Amazon quite a few Arduino Nano's and am not certain which to get or would any one of them be ok? It appears most of them have pins already soldered to the board which I'm assuming is a no-o and would have to be removed. I'm trying to get hold of as many of the parts from Amazon as I can for speedy delivery. As for the stepper motor is concerned must it be that exact make and model number or would something else suffice? 



Just make sure the Arduino Nano is the 5V version, not 3.3V. I used cheap clones from fleabay. I'd get one without the headers soldered as desoldering them can be a pain. The stepper motor doesn't have to be the same make and model. I made two focusers using two different steppers. They do need to be bipolar though. Also depending on how you're planning to drive your focuser, the rated torque of the motor might be a factor.


3 hours ago, dazzystar said:

Also, the only TMC2209 I can find for fast delivery (before Xmas) says: TMC2209 V1.2 Silent StepSticks Stepper Motor Driver VS TMC2130/TMC5160 for 3D Printer Parts SKR V1.3/Mini E3 V2.0. It also comes with pins soldered on the board! Is this ok?


I might be wrong but I don't think my code would work with any other silent stepsticks than TMC2209 based. Desoldering the headers off these might be a bit easier than the Nano as there's fewer pins on each side of the board. I got my boards from uk.farnell.com. Might not be the best place to get them from unless you have other things to order to justify the delivery fees...

Edited by kbrown
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42 minutes ago, dazzystar said:

These should be fine. The heatsink on the stepper driver might be a bit too high for the enclosures I've designed but you could get another one later. Or possibly you might not need one at all if you're only running your motor at low RMS currents,

31 minutes ago, dazzystar said:

I've also just ordered the motor from stepperonline. Hopefully will get it all tomorrow. Just need to order some caps now. Can I assume that I don't need to use the temperature probe if not required?


No the temperature probe isn't required for this to work.

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6 hours ago, dazzystar said:

Brilliant. Just a few things left to order, 10uf, 1uf capacitors, I assume anything small and around 16v is fine. The bi-colour LED (having a nightmare finding them on Amazon), it's little holder and then a power socket...

Yeah. Anything small around 16v should do. In a pinch you could use two single LEDs. Just solder the anodes together and then connect the rest of it as you would do with the bi-colour LED. Might be a good idea to build a test version on a breadboard just to make sure everything works as expected before you do the actual assembly.

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Thanks. I've downloaded and installed the Arduino software on to my Windows 11 PC and have hopefully installed the dependencies from https://kbrown.gitlab.io/bullseye-focuser/actuator/html/

The Nano hopefully arrives tomorrow. Can I load your code on to it straight away or do I need to basically build it first? Is it simply a matter of connecting it to the PC via USB or do I need to power it as well? Is it straightforward enough to use the code given in https://kbrown.gitlab.io/bullseye-focuser/indi-bullseyefocuser/html/ via some kind of console screen?



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2 hours ago, kbrown said:

Yeah. Anything small around 16v should do. In a pinch you could use two single LEDs. Just solder the anodes together and then connect the rest of it as you would do with the bi-colour LED. Might be a good idea to build a test version on a breadboard just to make sure everything works as expected before you do the actual assembly.

as per OP use a breadboard to test all works ok before final assembly 

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4 hours ago, dazzystar said:

Thanks. I've downloaded and installed the Arduino software on to my Windows 11 PC and have hopefully installed the dependencies from https://kbrown.gitlab.io/bullseye-focuser/actuator/html/

The Nano hopefully arrives tomorrow. Can I load your code on to it straight away or do I need to basically build it first? Is it simply a matter of connecting it to the PC via USB or do I need to power it as well? Is it straightforward enough to use the code given in https://kbrown.gitlab.io/bullseye-focuser/indi-bullseyefocuser/html/ via some kind of console screen?




2 hours ago, fozzybear said:

nope if testing the software compile/upload on you arduino then no external power required, else testing the motor then yes

Yup. Arduino IDE will automatically compile the code before uploading so no probs there. USB power is enough for powering it for programming.

Be sure to read the notes here especially about the C1 cap or you might run into some trouble.

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Thanks for the reply. I intend to upload the code (once I've measured and put in the figures for R3 & R4) to the bare, unmodified board then build it. Assume that'll be ok. Although I ordered the exact Nema 17 motor it doesn't look like it'll arrive until after Xmas now. I did order this from Amazon yesterday just in case, will it be okay? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07FKH52S5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


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