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studying Booster Rockets

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I  am  starting  to  study  up on Booster  Rockets , I  was standing out on my porch this morning ,and  saw two Booster Rockets this morning

they  our  so  neat  too see,I  am going to concentrate on studying about Booster Rockets , for a couple of months, and then I will look to study something new

I  think Booster  Rockets  our  seen just as the morning sun is rising  up in the morning.

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they were not  blinking and  saw them just before the was rising  it  was  low in the orbital  Atmosphere 

that  is  what a  member of  Cloudy Nights told me,I am a member of that community too

I am not sure if they our right or nor, but I would  love too know if what I am looking at is right or not

all I  was  told  is that when  I  go  out on my porch just  before the  sun gets a chance to rise that is what 

that small objects in  the  early morning  sky our,I  would  love too know for sure

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Well there’s a lot of stuff up there, satellites as well as spent rockets boosters etc, so it could have been anything really. Lots of Starlink satellites up there too, more going up all the time.

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Jupiter and Saturn are potentially quite visible low in the East and South East before Sunrise at the moment. Is it possible you were seeing them? 

If they weren't visibly moving against the backrground stars, then it's far more likely than anything human made.

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If you've not come across them, there are a number of websites where you can specify your location and get a list of satellites that are visible from your location, including the time and their direction. It's quite fun to spot them and then lookup the name of what you're seeing, who it belongs to, and how long it's been in space.

Years ago there was a number of communication satellites that had parabolic dishes that would occasionally catch the sunlight and appear to flare - often very brightly. It was possible to calculate in advance when this was likely to happen, and go outside and watch one of these "iridium flares". Unfortunately I think most of them have now been decomissioned.

This is a good site for satellite information: https://www.heavens-above.com/main.aspx

This is just another chosen at random: https://in-the-sky.org/satpasses.php


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6 hours ago, Starwatcher2001 said:

If you've not come across them, there are a number of websites where you can specify your location and get a list of satellites that are visible from your location, including the time and their direction. It's quite fun to spot them and then lookup the name of what you're seeing, who it belongs to, and how long it's been in space.

Years ago there was a number of communication satellites that had parabolic dishes that would occasionally catch the sunlight and appear to flare - often very brightly. It was possible to calculate in advance when this was likely to happen, and go outside and watch one of these "iridium flares". Unfortunately I think most of them have now been decomissioned.

This is a good site for satellite information: https://www.heavens-above.com/main.aspx

This is just another chosen at random: https://in-the-sky.org/satpasses.php


is  it  possible that what I am seeing is  cosmos 1455 rocket 

or  would it be possible that I am seeing  Starlinck 1551

I might even be seeing  cosmos 807  or  GPS 2-17  ROCKET

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18 hours ago, Stu said:

How did you know they were booster rockets?

I  was not sure if they were Booster Rockets,It was just Before sunrise that I saw an object going 

 Across the  early morning sky, as I said it was  way before sunrise,it could have been  GPS  2 -17 ROCKET 1,or it could have been a  satellite 

or even a  Starlink 1353,I am not sure what it was  that I saw, so another member gave me too websites and I looked up both and booked 

mark both websites so that I can go back to either website and look up the object that I am seeing,and  find out what Im seeing

the websites our ww.heavens-above.com/main.aspx the other website is,https://in-the -sky.org 


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