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Unable to stack more than one image in DSS

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I have 15 subs light and dark along with a bias. 15 sec exposure at ISO 800. When I run DSS I have the star detection at 5%. I get about 8-10 stars on each light frame. Scores are between 20-50. I am really pushing this by using a Edghd C11 and my Samsung S21 phone. I used a Bahtinov mask to get some kind of focus on the camera.  I do notice a bit of star trail on some of the stars. Not sure if that is my problem or what??  I used Skysafari plus 6 to align and did ASPA. Then did align again.  Does DSS care about the photo looking like a porthole view? The tiff is just using Raw Camera to convert the dng file. BTW - there is clearly LP and I did take another set with my Orion UHC Narrowband filter but still run into the same problem in DSS. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

20210505whirlpool.TIF Lights_0009_20210504_222557.dng

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Your DNG Light doesn't look too bad star-wise.

I put your DNG Light into DSS and at 3% it found 26 stars, and it Registered.

Did all of the Lights get Registered ?

You might have to un-tick those with low scores.


Edited by michael8554
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Thank you I was able to stack after adjusting the star %. I was able to stack with my darks and a bias sub. Now I have a tiff that looks like I captured something but when I put in Photoshop I am having a hard time getting rid of the green background and enhancing the actual galaxy. Are there specific steps that would be helpful in getting a better picture? thank You


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