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A Night I never hoped for.


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My son rang me said supposed to be clear tonight would you like to go out with your scope, yes please was my answer so I was thinking of what objects to go to that didn't have me up and down so I made a list.

8.30pm Son came put scope out on garden bench to cool and set my kit up levelled it and used a compass point it North.

9.45pm helped me out Polar aligned he put the weights on and then the scope got it balanced and now ready to go.

You would think then next step is input all information into handset and star align first part yes second no a very good friend said go to a known star and centre that then do 1, 2 or 3 star align so we did. 

Capella centred it went into settings now 2 star align Arcturus then Vega then onto my list.

Coma Bernice's

17 Com B  (SAO 0823 30) Wide pair of white stars.

 ΟΣ 266  (SAO 1005 83)  Hair split of white stars in my  Vixen 10mm Barlowed in the Tal giving me X 236

2 Com B (SAO 0821 23) nice contrast here white with a lime companion.

24 Com B  (SAO 1001 60) Another nice contrast Yellow with a blue companion.

Σ1639  (SAO 0822 93) at 1.7° this is a fairly tight double giving a white and a lime companion.

Σ 1685  (SAO 1003 07)  Both stars looked the same to me off white stars.

M53  A cracking Cluster.

Canes Venatici 

"La Superba" although not a double this is a wonderful sight burning ember in the sky superb.

2 CVn  (SAO 0440 97) Red star with just a speck next to it.

Σ1645  (SAO 0440 97)  Twin off white stars

α CVn (Cor Caroli)  (SAO 0632 57)  Bright white star with a smaller green companion.

16-17 CVn  (SAO 0633 80) Very wide white stars.

Σ261  (0633 96)  Twins Blue white stars.

Σ 1755  (SAO 0635 93)  Yellow with ice blue companion.

M3  A cracking cluster.

We then did a couple of old ones and one new one 

IC 4593 "White Eyed Pea"  got this with averted vision I suspect it will be better with the moon out the way.

M13 and M92.  M92 looked brilliant M13 was a smudge not impressed at all.

M57 I got this in my 15mm with my Oiii filter otherwise I wouldn't be able to see it.

Then last the double double got this with my Vixen 10mm at x118.

My son then helped me inside and packed everything away 2 hours and the first 15 objects I did not haver to move off my seat maybe for the clusters but not sure, I could not thank my son enough.

A fair bit of pain today but I am in that anyway just to get out improved my mood.

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So sorry to hear you are struggling, Wookie..but great to hear how helpful your son was and that you had a lovely session last night.

I know I often take my good health for granted and it's a timely reminder for me and perhaps others, that every day of our lives that are healthy and pain free should be embraced and made the most of.

I do hope your condition can improve and that you will have many more enjoyable sessions under the stars.

Thanks again for sharing this and many other previous sessions with all of us here on SGL 😊.


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35 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

So sorry to hear you are struggling, Wookie..but great to hear how helpful your son was and that you had a lovely session last night.

I know I often take my good health for granted and it's a timely reminder for me and perhaps others, that every day of our lives that are healthy and pain free should be embraced and made the most of.

I do hope your condition can improve and that you will have many more enjoyable sessions under the stars.

Thanks again for sharing this and many other previous sessions with all of us here on SGL 😊.


Thanks Dave yes really struggling already had two collapsed discs went to pick up counter weights last week for a session and collapsed to the floor. In hospital for several hours to be told I have 2 more collapsed discs, I am supposed to be having a epidural but that is on hold now until I see the Orthopaedic surgeon, I did think about packing it all in or going for a smaller kit but that is a decision I will have to make when I have got all the information I need.


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Glad you managed to get out, what a diamond your son is.  Really sorry to hear you still have problems and pain with your back, it seems ages ago I read of you having these problems, didn't realise you were still in the same situation, must be very depressing.


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2 hours ago, carastro said:

Glad you managed to get out, what a diamond your son is.  Really sorry to hear you still have problems and pain with your back, it seems ages ago I read of you having these problems, didn't realise you were still in the same situation, must be very depressing.


Yes Carole,

                        I have been really low I have even been that low I've had suicidal thoughts I have and are having councilling. 


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Hi Paul mate, so sorry to hear about your ongoing problems makes me feel guilty for being fit.

Great son you have there all mine does is complain about how much money I spend on astro' gear 😂



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Hey mate ! Get your scope , flee to the deep space , put all your pain and hardship into the great Hercule cluster and hop through the virgo cluster .

But don't forget to get down to Earth again 😁 .

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Hi Paul, great report of what sounds like a terrific night. I can only sympathise with sounds like a very painful injury - but there is hope. It takes a lot of recovery and exercise, but I’m managing to stargaze after breaking my back in an car accident. Quite a few of us crocks on this forum so keep sharing your experiences.

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