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Two images with the 'little' Mak Skymax 127


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I was curious how the little Mak will do in good seeing. These were from yesterday when it was windy but the seeing was still quite good. I could visually spot the southern part of Rima Hadley at x170.

I think I'm getting close to the limit what a 120mm catadioptic can show with a DSLR. Not sure what is main limiting factor here, is it the scope or is it the camera.  For info, a 3 minute video in highest resolution mode (4k) with my Canon 250D  gives files of size about 3Gb, which surely compresses too much. 

Still I think its not too bad for 120mm aperture: Look at Huxley at the base of Mons Huygens. This crater is only 4km in diameter, so about 2 arcseconds and it appears well resolved.



And these are the Southern highlands.



I have been neglecting my little Mak for the past few months but now I'm back in love with it :) 

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