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Edge 8 vs ED120 Quick Lunar Shootout


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For a bit of fun I decided to observe the moon at about 300x mag with my Celestron Edge 8 SCT and Equinox 120mm doublet refractor, and see which one I thought gave the best view on the night!  Well I found it very close! I decided I would pick the winner based on finding a feature that one showed significantly better than the other. That feature turned out to be Rima Birt, the long channel that runs parallel to the Straight Wall. And the scope that I could definitely see it best with was...

... the Equinox 120!

I could see Rima Birt with the Edge 8, but it was clearer with the Equinox and a really lovely feature. I haven't collimated my Edge, it's as from factory, so whether that cost it, I don't know - I'd like to repeat the shootout after collimating it! And of course seeing on the night may have played a part!

I would have guessed the Edge would win it, as my strong impression from lunar imaging with both scopes is that when conditions are good, the Edge can show finer detail. Anyway, both scopes gave a fantastic view and for me there is something refractor-ish about the Edge generally. I look forward to more shootouts between these two lovely scopes.

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If the 8" Edge isnt showing more detail somethings wrong somewhere- seeing or whatever. My 8" f3.8 dob with no coma corrector shows a lot more detail than my TSA120 even though the TSA will take much much higher mag.


Edited by jetstream
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On 21/04/2021 at 02:01, John said:

Interesting !

The Rima Birt was very well defined with my Skywatcher ED120 this evening.

I would imagine that the Edge 8 ought to beat it though :icon_scratch:



I do wonder John and jetstream if it was something about the conditions. I often felt when I was imaging with the Edge 8 that the conditions weren't good enough to show much more detail than I could get with my ED120. But when conditions were good, I felt the detail was there and I much preferred to use the Edge 8 in case conditions were good.

I don't think my skies are that great typically for high res lunar or planets. The view I had of Jupiter at Kelling Heath with my 12 inch dob shocked me how good it was. It was up two notches on any views I have had from home. Unless it was the single malt!

Anyway, tonight I hope to have an equally unscientific shootout between my ED100 and ED120! Surely the 120 will win? But I dunno, there is something special about the F9 ED100! I prefer it with the Quark for solar h-alpha, even though the ED120 should be more optimal with the Quark not only because of more aperture but because the focal ratio should perform better with how the Quark works.

Edited by Luke
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