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Luna session - 19 4 2021 - 20.30 - 2315


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Hello all.  Nice long session on the Moon last night.  Had both scopes out on my AZ100.  Not quite aligned as yet but close enough.  Was refering to my favourite lunar book of late - Discover the Moon by  J Leacroux and C Legrand.   For me , the Photos and text are just as you see at the eyepiece. 

Used single EP's and then my BV's. Seeing very good. 

Started at the Alpine Valley.  Valley bottom seemed to be in shadow still so far.  Mont Piton was well lit however on is own on the Mare Imbrium. Looking very white for sure.  Went over to one of my favourtite craters - Cassini. Wealth of detail here. 

Started to work my way down the disc. a few rilles to chase - Hyginius, Triesnecker and Ariadaeus.  

Moved onto Ptolomeus. The crater wall was throwing a long shadow across the crater floor.  I kept going back to see how the shadow was moving. Late in the session I could now see the small crater Ammonius had escaped the shadows inch by inch. 

I didnt make any notes on the EP's and mags used.  Just looking for the best view overall.  Best moon session I've had a quite a while.  Found myself sat quite low in my observing chair. I had raised the BB tripod before I started but haddnt quite realised how high the target was.  The length of my 6 inch frac certainly caught me out.  Whoops 

Have also come to the conclusion that the motor kit may be required for my AZ100.  Am more than happy with it ATM for general viewing and target finding but once the mag is cranked up and the target is "on the move somewhat" a bit of auto tracking will be nice.  No rush tho.  Money has to be found for this upgrade. 

Thanks for reading if you are about to see  my name below.  



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Nice report John,mirrored my observations last night,I also refer to the Discover The Moon book its a great resource,think my wow moment last night was the detail around the ramparts of Aristillus  such fine detail and the long shadows  across the floor of Ptolemaeus.

Your comments regarding the AZ100 at high magnification have just reinforced my decision to wait for the motor upgrade before biting the bullet ,I'm sure when it comes I will jump with both feet!


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