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Lovely solar Ha features visible now - 19th April 2021


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Just had a quick Ha and White Light session on the Sun this lunchtime. At around 2 or 3 O’clock PST view, there is a lovely set of features showing off many of the best things about Ha observing.

A very nice Active region (assuming 12816 if I’ve got my orientation right!) showing excellent detail and flux lines surrounding it, plus bright areas in its centre. Then there is a decent prom, a lovely filaprom and also a filament, all within one field of view at high power in my PST Mod. Worth a look!

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5 minutes ago, Telescope40 said:

Hello Stu. 
Any WL worth a look ?? 
Thx. John 

Definitely! Two nice ARs (12816 and one unclassified) visible as spot groups, and the other two as patches of faculae


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15 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

Thanks Stu - good day for full disc imaging with so many separate features on show as you say. Had both Ha and WL on the go throughout the day - lots to see in both scopes. 

Yep, it’s been a good day! Best filaprom I’ve seen for a while.

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2 hours ago, Roy Challen said:

Just had a very nice 40min session in Ha. Counted 5 spots in that AR, the filaprom really gave a nice 3d effect too.

Beautiful wasn’t it Roy? I’ve no idea if this will work, but Pete Lawrence posted a lovely picture of it to FB.  The view in the PST Mod wasn’t a million miles away from that I must say when the seeing was steady.



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11 hours ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Yes, there was some lovely features today. 


Thanks Nigella. These were the features I was referring to....

I somehow managed to miss that big filament at the top though! 🤪🤪


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6 minutes ago, Stu said:

Looking amazing again today, the filaprom looks very ‘3D, arching over the limb with a prom behind it. Lovely stuff.

A bridge of plasma developed almost linking the two proms either side of the filaprom Stu. Changing with each observation - even within 5 minutes.

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10 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

A bridge of plasma developed almost linking the two proms either side of the filaprom Stu. Changing with each observation - even within 5 minutes.

Yes, I saw that. Amazing.

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Great sketches @cotterless45.

Shame you missed it today @Nigella Bryant

I’ve just had a final look before it went below the rooftops. Conditions didn’t look promising with hazy cloud, but actually the seeing was fairly decent, granulation and fine detail in all the active areas, particularly nice on the larger one nearer the limb.

Ha was surpassingly good too, if anything the light cloud helped the contrast on the filaments, so the Filaprom looked fab. There are three proms , with arches of plasma between them, plus the filaprom, really nice.

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I spent some time observing around 5-6. Seeing was pretty good as you say, Stu. Really good granulation around the AR’s in WL. Loads to see in Ha too. Had a nice time observing yesterday lunchtime.  Same as Nick, I’ve enjoyed seeing how these features have developed. 

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