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Quick Moon Session Before Trees Got In The Way


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8.10 Saturday, sky quite light, Moon high SW, waxing crescent.  I decided to have a session before the Moon sank behind the high trees to the west.

First - 8SE on GoTo - Theophilus and Cyrillus on the terminator - mainly in shadow except for central peaks.  Much above x200 and the view was wobbly.  Thought I'd then use the 127L frac for comparison (plus observing chair for comfort).  Fine detail seemed clearer with the frac than the cat, as might be expected.

Moving north, Dorsa Smirnov was well-defined near the terminator, and nearby Posidonius was good with an illuminated basin and clear central pit, an arc of "hills", and inner ridges.  I even spotted a small pit, south of centre.  All at x150.

Finished after an hour, beaten by trees, but a pleasing comparative session nonetheless.


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Must have been looking at the same time, but I managed a good two hours before the seeing turned to jelly.

My comparison was a Tak 100DZ with an LE 5, but that was surpassed by SW300 with WO binoviewer loaded with Pentax XF 12mm. Absolutely breathtaking.

As you mention, Doug, Posidonius in amazing detail and Theophilus/Cyrilus/Catharine along the terminator were stand-outs last night but I did spend some time with Hercules and Atlas. All round a great little session.

Cheers, hope for similar clear skies tonight.


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Yes, seeing wasn't too good - limited me to about x200.  The Bresser 127 long focus frac performed very well, seeming to be sharper on detail despite the smaller aperture than the Cat.  And since I bought the Geoptik Nadira adjustable observing chair, that frac has had much more use.  It was always easy with the Skytee II, but not comfortable when aiming high.  (And to think I was on the verge of selling it!)


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