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M81 spirals


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Question: who can see spirals in M81?

Answer: Everyone.

Conditions were very good last night so some brighter objects were targeted. M81 is a super galaxy to observe. The 15" f4.8 and 20mm APM 100 along with the Nikon 14mm HW got the nod for the job.

Not much of a report really- after viewing M101 I went over to M81 with the 20mm 100 and BAM! 2 short very large spiral spikes appeared out of the extensive glow of M81. No special techniques or anything needed. In with the 14mm Nikon HW and the spiral definition improved, what a sight.

My 10" shows the spirals, no fancy eyepieces are needed, my 18mm ES 82 is perfect for the job as are so many others. The real key is dark adaptation and dark, transparent skies. One thing- get the TFOV wide enough in your scope to allow some "edge" contrast" in other words get just beyond the glow.

Works for me.


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  • 1 month later...

M81 was one of the first targets on my 1st night with my 15" dob of few yrs back.  That was when local LP conditions still allowed me to view from my back garden.

I muttered a wow! out loud as M81 appeared so huge compared to M82... it must have been a very nicely transparent night as I was picking up those sweeping outer arms.  Absolutely gorgeous sight.

It's amazing the difference when you get such a dark transparent night: it's only when they come along that I realise just how much transparency is usually noticeably less where I am, and LP diffusely scatters more.  It sure is all about the contrast...!

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  • 4 weeks later...

My favourite target with my 8" was m81/82- I've recently upgraded to a 12" and some nice explore scientific eyepieces but not had a chance to get a look at these two yet🤣🤣🤣 roll on the dark nights!

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12 minutes ago, popeye85 said:

My favourite target with my 8" was m81/82- I've recently upgraded to a 12" and some nice explore scientific eyepieces but not had a chance to get a look at these two yet🤣🤣🤣 roll on the dark nights!

M82 reveals some interesting knotted structure and a couple of nice dark lanes across it's surface with a bit of magnification. Something like 120x - 180x. Never tire of observing these with my 12 inch dob :icon_biggrin:





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