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NGC 4165 - so much going on.

Mike JW

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It is 1.30 am, the scope is glistening white, I am cold and I think to myself how much longer can I keep doing this (age catching up). Mag 5.7 skies, steady and transparent, M13 just visible naked eye.

Up pops NGC 4165 on the screen and there is the answer.

The reason for going to NGC 4165 in Virgo is because there is Type 11 super nova, mag 17.8 - 2021 gno is its official name, indicated in the shot below. Not more to say about this but now the interest kicks off. NGC 4165, looks spiral, dust lanes, hint of a spiral arm coming off the bottom and maybe off the top as well. Is that a ring as well? and what about the fuzz on the left hand side of 4165 - yep it is a distant galaxy. 4165 is about mag 14, lies about 105 million lyrs away and classified as SAB (r)a, H11, LINER. I should really post this in the Ring Galaxy Thread. The zoomed in shot; and sure enough I am just picking up some H11 regions

but wait, there is till so much more happening.



The big elliptical on the left is NGC 4168, a lovely E2, about 125 million lyrs away and a Seyfert 1.9. To the right is a small E3 at 822 million lyrs away - no wonder it looks small. Adding the Jocular labels reveals these three galaxies are WBL 386 - so I had better post this in the WBL thread. 

and still the interest continues.....see the shot below. Jocular has highlighted all the PGC galaxies at the mag 16/17 range. Actually some are mag 18.



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Lovely report and Images. Is your dob a goto or on an eq platform?

The reason I ask is I have a 20 inch f4 that I am cosidering buying a tracking platform for. This could potentially be used to great effect for EEVA

Edited by oldfruit
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