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OMG ,I scratched my BBHS diagonal

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Two nights ago I made stupid mistake  while I was using my brand new BBHS mirror diagonal with my binoviewer . Nose of the binoviewer is long,especially with GPC. When I came home I saw sometning like dirt on edge of the mirror,but ...that was scratch😪😪 It is located abot 3mm from edge of mirror plate and the size is about 3mm by 2mm( I think).

Now,what to do?  How much this affects image quality?? Weather forecast is very bad for the next 7-10 days...

I made some pictures.


This is view from telescope side:




Eyepiece side:




Edited by godra
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Sorry to read about your problem. I’ve done similar in the past, scratching a Zeiss prism which I ended up selling off cheap with full disclosure.  I’m sure it worked perfectly well but my ‘OCD’ couldn’t handle it ;)

I also had a problem with a BBHS mirror diagonal with a horrid bit of grunge on it, when I tried to clean it off it took the mirror coating developed pin holes. I ended up sending it back to Baader and they replaced the mirror for me. Not cheap but at least it is 100% now.

I suspect you won’t see it optically, but if it bothers you then try Baader for help.


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