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Pre-moonrise with near full moon in bortle 2 worthwhile?

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Hi all,

I'm quite the beginner in astronomy and a newbie (though long time lurer) here.  Right now I live in a bortle 8 area, and kids want to go camping for a night on spring break (Mar 26-Apr 4).  I want to double up camping with stargazing.  There is a bortle 2 about 90 minutes away with a great campground that I'd like to go to.  My 9 year old is desperate to see the milky way and some galaxies that we can't see in our normal viewing conditions. 

Here's the problem.  We wanted to go Mar 27th or 28th, but the full moon is on the 28th with a moonrise at 7:45pm (ish). That means the moon would be right there during prime view times so we probably wouldn't get the experience we're hoping for.  I'm not going to be able to wait this out because they're only on break for next week, and it gets more complicated later in the week to get going to the camp site.  So what I've not been able to figure out is how good would the viewing be if I wait till, say, the 30th as moonrise would be 10pm.   Between sunset and 30 minutes before moon rise would I get good viewing or is there a bunch of scattered light which would make it non-ideal viewing still?  Have a 6" RFT and 9.25" SCT.    All this is visual and not astrophotography. 

Any thoughts on how to balance moon phase and availability of family for the trip?  

Thanks all

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Lunar twilight is a real thing, but can largely be ignored for most practical purposes. So if the Sun is sufficiently below the horizon (more than 18 degrees) before the Moon rises, you can enjoy a dark sky. But my guess is that it's not yet fully dark at 10 PM.

Still, I'm pretty sure viewing galaxies is much better with the full Moon above the horizon than in a Bortle 8 environment. The Milky Way will be quite washed out though.

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