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Newbie first image of image of M101

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I took this M101 image during my 3rd time out with a new scope in first 3 weeks of astro photography. I stacked and processed 70x180s dithered exposures with no dark but applied flat and bias frames, a total of about 3.5 hours integrated exposure time. I processed the 32 bit fit in native format using SiriL (fantastic!) with background extraction, Asinh stretch, and photometric color correction. I then used PS for levels and curves. This is also my first attempt at image processing calibration.  I write these words as if I know of what I speak. - I don't!

My equipment is Skywatcher 200P Newtonian mounted on a EQ6R Pro and guided using ASIAir Pro with the ASI120 MM Mini guide scope. The primary imaging camera is a Canon T6i DSLR un modified. No filters. Manual focus.  I was happy with the results, and was able to impress non-astro imagers :)  I particularly liked the "buttery" feel of it! I was able to capture 4 galaxies in this image M101, NGC5474,  NGC5477,  NGC 5473 all about 21 Mly away.  Any comments are welcome!



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