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"Oh What a night "

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Wow... I took my new scope outside for the first time last night . A Williams Optics ZS73 on a AZ-Gti mount , sitting on an aluminium tripod ( the tripod is an embarrassment to the mount and scope ) 

First look at the Moon and noticed the atmosphere was as still and clear as i have known it . Of course with the Moon high up it washed out an already LP sky , but i was still very happy to observe most of the bright star clusters . The AZ-Gti duly performed its GOTO tasks well , the Scopes batinov mask made sure stars were pin sharp , and despite the glare of the Moon the colours of  Aldeberan and Bettlegeuse were beautiful, as were double stars , and of course the favourites such as the Orion Nebula , Plaides and the Beehive ( although a little washed out by the Moon )  . Even Mars in my small frac was a pleasing orange ,  although very tiny disc . Of course , the main objects were all high in the sky so that did make a difference . Later on a haze appeared which meant viewing returned to the Moon . 

Only a little report ,  i hope everyone else had a great evening of viewing . Just wanted to share a real positive . 

Lets hope there are many more clear skies to come 

Thanks for reading , 


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That sounds great always nice to get out with some new kit! I would love to see the difference between an APO and my Achro at some point in the future but unless I win the lottery and buy an ED120 I suspect that won't happen :D

I look forward to seeing the astrophotos out of it (I am presuming its been bought for that task primarily) still lets here it for positivity, I was happy enough to get out a couple of nights ago for the first time in a month and I am hoping the positive weather that is meant to be coming for the next few nights actually materializes for some prime moongazing! 

Definitely improves my mental outlook when I get a chance to take the telescope out, be interesting to see how viewing evolves as the nights pull out into my first summer in the hobby (few late nights in the summer with beers? :D).

Edited by wibblefish
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4 minutes ago, wibblefish said:

I look forward to seeing the astrophotos out of it (I am presuming its been bought for that task primarily)

Never assume anything in life lol ... to be honest it will be used as much for visual ( until i either get a Mak or a nice Dob that i have my eye on ) as photography.. but of course i will take a few cheeky frames . 

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On 23/03/2021 at 11:16, wibblefish said:

Definitely improves my mental outlook when I get a chance to take the telescope out

That's a very good point.  I'm sure that goes for most of us. I know its obvious but after the initial gear is bought , astronomy CAN be a relatively inexpensive and calm pastime . A dark sky , a pair of eyes ... = zero cost and hours of wonder .... makes one forget the strains of normal life . ( of course until you want to buy more gear lol) 

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Just now, LeeHore7 said:

enjoy, clear skies

Meant to be clear for about 3 hours this evening , Lee .... followed by a few nights of obligatory cloud . I think we can all accept the weather here as long as its fair with us ... ie 2 or 3 clear nights every week? Its not too much to ask , is it ? lol :)


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2 hours ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Meant to be clear for about 3 hours this evening , Lee .... followed by a few nights of obligatory cloud . I think we can all accept the weather here as long as its fair with us ... ie 2 or 3 clear nights every week? Its not too much to ask , is it ? lol :)


I hope you have your 3 hours of Clear skies tonight Stu, I've just check CO and MO and both showing cloud and light rain for here, with rinds picking up, good job I booked a ticket for the sky at night webinar with Dara O'Briain tonight 🌌🔭📷

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