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Hi all,

I am looking to upgrade my Bresser AR102s. I currently have the stock diagonal and was thinking of the William Optics dura bright when back in stock.  The reviews seem very positive on this model but I am open to similar priced diagonals. Is it a worth while upgrade over the stock unit?



Baz 👍

Edited by Barry-W-Fenner
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I suspect the stock diagonal is basic so in terms of replacement I also suspect the proposed diagonal would reflect more light, but whether that results in a noticeable increase in brightness for you is an unknown - I suspect the view won’t look significantly brighter / clearer.

I suspect getting non-stock eyepieces would be more likely to improve brightness and clarity of views.

I also think that maybe you should think long term. Investing in a nice diagonal will be helpful if you subsequently get another refractor or a catadioptric. As such, if your existing scope will take 2” eyepieces, I’d think about getting a 2” diagonal. And if you are happy to wait a few weeks, I’m sure a nice one will come up on astrobuysellUK for about the same price or cheaper than the proposed 1.25” new version. Else put a wanted advert on ABS-UK.


P.s. keep the stock diagonal and eyepieces with the scope in case you ever want to sell it all - it would make it a more appealing purchase for someone.

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I have had the WO durabright for a couple of months on my SW 100ED. It’s a lovely diagonal and a step up from the stock diagonal supplied but whether it’s a significant step up is debatable, it’s certainly lighter and makes balancing a lot easier. However, I have since upgraded (?) again to the Baader Click Lock diagonal, just because I wanted to make all connections click lock....this is a really good diagonal, though 2 inch with a 1.25 click lock adapter. This has been a more significant improvement, it’s heavier but click lock is the way forward in my view.....far safer, as I found with diagonals, they are prone to slipping 

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I replaced my diagonal a little while back from the stock primarily to gain a compression ring to hold my eye pieces. I am pretty sure there is a slight improvement over stock but its not a massive step up (still every little helps?).

I bought this one from Altair which was slightly cheaper but still feels quite premium :) 


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1 hour ago, Jiggy 67 said:

I have had the WO durabright for a couple of months on my SW 100ED. It’s a lovely diagonal and a step up from the stock diagonal supplied but whether it’s a significant step up is debatable, it’s certainly lighter and makes balancing a lot easier. However, I have since upgraded (?) again to the Baader Click Lock diagonal, just because I wanted to make all connections click lock....this is a really good diagonal, though 2 inch with a 1.25 click lock adapter. This has been a more significant improvement, it’s heavier but click lock is the way forward in my view.....far safer, as I found with diagonals, they are prone to slipping 

Hi Jiggy

Thank you for the advise. I know what you mean about the Baader click lock system, they certainly reassure you that them morpheus eps are safely in place.  I have the 1.25 click lock which I use in my dob. I wonder if I could utilise this in a 1.25 WO durabright - Are you keeping yours or are you considering selling? If so drop me a pm as I would be interedsted.


Thank you



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I've tried a variety of diagonals from very basic to very good and found the difference remarkably unremarkable.

I'd be tempted by the clicklock because compression ring systems are a nightmare. There is no industry standard and so one EP can snag in another's diagonal or drawtube just as you are taking out. Please don't ask how I know this or whether I was a the top of the stepladdzer using a 20 inch Dob at the time...


Edited by ollypenrice
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18 hours ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

Hi Jiggy

Thank you for the advise. I know what you mean about the Baader click lock system, they certainly reassure you that them morpheus eps are safely in place.  I have the 1.25 click lock which I use in my dob. I wonder if I could utilise this in a 1.25 WO durabright - Are you keeping yours or are you considering selling? If so drop me a pm as I would be interedsted.


Thank you



I have found the click lock system to be game changing.

 I swapped out the OTA housing (can’t remember the proper name) for a click lock, then the Baader 2” click lock diagonal and the a 1.25” click lock adapter. As is typical of Baader (I’m a big fan as you probably know from our previous chats 😃) everything works perfectly. I’m undecided about the WO at the moment, I’m tempted to keep it as a back up. I would recommend a 2” diagonal though, you never know when you might want to use a 2” ep....even the Morpheus as a 2”. You can always step down to 1.25 but you can’t step up. Or does your scope only accept 1.25?

Edited by Jiggy 67
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Personally I would make the most of the 102's strength i.e. its widefield capability and choose a 2" diagonal. Iirc Barry you have a dob with 2" eyepieces? 


Or keep an eye out for a used 2" and not get too hung up on the brand. I was perfectly happy with a Sky-Watcher 2" dielectric in my ST120.

There's a few 1.25" and 2" used dielectric diagonals on Ebay at the mo'.

I do only use a 1.25" Sky-Watcher dielectric with the f7 however that telescope's a different beast and due to the AZGTI mount, prefer to keep weight down to a minimum.

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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The WO 1.25" diagonals have a constriction in the eyepiece receiver that causes vignetting for widest field 1.25" eyepieces.


I have one I use with my binoviewer (22mm clear aperture, so doesn't impact me), so I can confirm this constriction.

I use GSO/Revelation 2" diagonals with my refractors and even my 127 Mak with a 2" visual back.  They allow me to use my extensive collection of 2" eyepieces in them.

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As a complete newbie I must admit I’m not sure I can add much to the conversation. I did however replace the stock 45 diagonal on my C5 with this.

To my untrained and inexperienced eye I have to admit I can see a definite improvement but how much better is hard for me to say.

Edited by AllanK
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