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I observed from 6.15pm to 7.40pm using my Tecnosky 102ED F7, and binoviewer with x2 barlow and 24mm and 16.8mm Orthos. The seeing was very good at times.

The terminator showed fine detail along most of its length. In the south I watched  the sun rising  over Janssen and Valleris Rheita.  Fine detail was also visible in Palus Somni to the W of M Crisium, and in Lacus Bonitatis adjacent to the NW of Crisium.

Further N the terminator was showing incredibly fine detail as it passed Atlas, of which only the rim was illuminated, and passed by Endymion and de la Rue heading towards the N cusp.  The detail was breath taking.

I've attached a single frame taken at 6.45pm with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/30 sec at 200 asa. Also crops from the same frame.  They show the areas I mentioned, but are rather a pale representation of the spectacular views through the telescope.




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9 minutes ago, Laurieast said:

Great shot. Is the full image at prime without the barlow?


Yes, without the barlow.  Because the Olympus has a macro 4/3 sensor, it effectively doubles the focal length of the scope from 714mm to 1428 mm.

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Very nice images Paul, and it certainly was a great view through the eyepiece.  I almost didn't bother looking as the moon was approaching the high tree line to my west, and usually the seeing suffers. Last night though, the seeing, though having a gentle wobble, allowed some seriously nice detail to be seen. I was using my 25mm Ultrascopic's and 18mm Ultima's in my binoviewer, with a 2X barlow, so a similar power to yourself I presume. For me, the highlight of the evening was Messier A & B and its environs. I can't remember seeing such detailed undulation in the surrounding terrain before, which was so well presented in the refractor. Your image hints at it but as is often the case, the actual view was glorious. When you phoned me I was counting the traffic crossing O'Neil's bridge, but you made me lose count once you started renaming lunar features for fun. 

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Nice report and great photos Paul :thumbright:

I observed the Moon myself at that time with my 100mm refractor. I particularly liked the illumination of the Messier Crater pair close to the terminator. The comet-like rays from Messier A were not very apparent under this illumination but the deep shadow in both craters emphasized their unusual shape and form.


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4 minutes ago, John said:

Nice report and great photos Paul :thumbright:

I observed the Moon myself at that time with my 100mm refractor. I particularly liked the illumination of the Messier Crater pair close to the terminator. The comet-like rays from Messier A were not very apparent under this illumination but the deep shadow in both craters emphasized their unusual shape and form.


Yes, the Messiers were impressive John, there was a lot of detail all across  Mare Fecunditatis.   I thought it was one of the most impressive terminators I've seen for a while.  I'm pleased you had clear skies 🙂.

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