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Phenix 6" f/8 refractor

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i had the 5" i think it was f8 version of this scope and the optics for a relatively cheap achromat were not to bad, in fact it was a lot of scope for the money as i paid £70 for it. colour was reasonable etc. It only had one major flaw and that was the focuser made by lego-town. if you can pick one up cheap and you happen to have a crayford kicking around that will fit it you have a very cheap big apeture planet killer with very little colour


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Steve, the 5" is f9.4, I used to own one and thought it was a great scope, I had it for the Mars opposition 3 years ago and it was my "weapon of choice" for that object at the time. The focuser was a bit iffy but the colour correction and views though the scope were very good.

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