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Hi everyone

With our OAG on loan, we resorted to an old 60mm guide telescope and remembered to fit the ir filter in the equally ancient asi120. The sky would have easily supported 10 minute frames last night but due to the hardware limitation, along with reading too much about the impossibility of using separate telescopes to guide anything longer than a 50mm camera lens, we decided upon half that. Anyway, once again, the little guide telescope did it's modest job well. No shortage of galaxies in the frame and even managed a bit of blue in one of the stars.

Thanks for looking and do post if you've had a go.

700d on gso203


Edited by alacant
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Interestingly I tried M106 last night too. Unfortunately high cloud ruined the night and I only managed 50 minutes of luminance data. Currently I guide with an ST80 and asi120 - an OAG and better guide camera are on my shopping list (along with plenty of other stuff). I did a rough and ready stack just to see the result. No calibration frames. As there was so little data I did not bother. I'll probably bin this data and start from scratch when the skies allow.

I think mine is upside down!

M106 BW.jpg

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This is one from last week in EEVA-mode (ie live-stacked and LRGB'd at the scope). Its a long exposure by my standards, but then the galaxy pulled me in and held me. I'm not getting anything like the resolution or depth of Alacant's image of course but I was happy to catch a little of the outer halo. 



I can't fit M106 and NGC 4217 in my 0.34 x 0.44 degree FOV, but here's a separate image of NGC 4217 and friend from the same session:




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