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First light new scope... and first time pointing scope away from Solar System!

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Hi!   This is my first post here in a place besides "Lunar Imaging"  lol    I am somewhat of an odd duck in our hobby I think.   I arrived to it via photography, and a chance shot at the moon I was amazed by with my DSLR gear about 5 years ago now.   Ever pursuing better results, I dove into astro gear a couple years ago...  scopes, mount and planetary cams.  But...  because I am somewhat lazy, and very busy with family and work....  and very light polluted in my neighborhood, I just never pointed my scopes anywhere but the moon - and planets now and then.  Till now.   This past week, I took delivery of what I hope is the end of the line for me in my refractor obsession - a rare-as-hen's-teeth in Canada nearly new APM 140/7.   After a friend of mine in chat said to me...  "...  You bought THAT scope, for the MOON?!!! "  I was finally motivated to make the effort to look at something else in the sky.  (Helped perhaps by no moon right now  lol).    I met a fellow member of the RASC out at a dark site he has access to and set up for first light.  (Bortle 4ish)  We had never met in person and just chatted about the hobby and whatnot for a good 3 hours waiting for the sky to clear like it was supposed to, and finally it did.   He is strictly a visual observer who uses a lovely big 20 inch goto DOB that he packs in his SUV somehow and was very helpful to me in telling me where to "go to".    My impressions....  I am not a "faint fuzzy" sort of guy.   By averting vision and coaching I was able to see two galaxies in my view at 100X.....  but other than a thought experiment it was not something I can see myself devoting much energy to.   

He said "hmmm....  yes with your scope, maybe you might like clusters better..."   So, next up...  M44,  the beehive cluster.  And there....  THAT got me.   I kept returning to it the view was so spectacular to me - honestly, I can't describe which frustrates me a little, but I know I will be able to after a few more outings.   Tried my binos....  nope.   Did not like the view.   I also just this week snagged a pair of 22mm Panoptics...  and with ONE of those in, I was hooked.   I gazed and gazed at it.    Was just lovely.   He sent me to many other spots that he could think of, but there was only one other that also snagged me, and I can't remember now what it was.  (note to self - start observing notebook)  We were limited in our viewing to mostly south.  Had a peek through his 100 degree ES too.   It was even better.

Will be happy to report on next time.....  likely with questions.  :)

Here is a quick shot I took with my DSLR of my well socially distanced spot and setup.   (this pic below also the first time I tried shooting the stars with my DSLR - need to pay more attention to focus.  lol!)





Clear skies!!




Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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20 hours ago, mdstuart said:

Now you have done it. Its only a matter of time before you buy a big dob.


LOL...  maybe some day when kids are out of the house (and garage!).    I love my lunar imaging in my driveway, but now will also pack up my gear once in a while and go to a dark site for the REST of the sky!

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Nice read, an APM 140 you say? I hear they are fantastic performers, make sure you aim that thing at planets just as well, I would love to have a peek through it.  It looks like you have a nice spot to view the sky from, a 12" dob (at least) is in order.


Edited by Sunshine
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