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Tak FC-100, FC-76 or TSA-120

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Hi all,

I am still contemplating on which refractor scope to go for. This mainly for imaging purposes. I had originally decided on a SW esprit 100ED however have since had a bit of a change in heart and decided to cancel the order and go back to the drawing board.

Just to rule out another set of options (or not) I wanted to get everyone's views on the tak ranges as per the subject field.

Bearing in mind that I have a belt modded HEQ5 Pro at present (if I can help it I don't really want anything heavier) which one or ones of the following would be suitable if any.

Appreciating that the weight of all three would be below the maximum payload of what the HEQ5 can handle when taking my other gear into account - would the length of the 100 and 120 be problematic?

 Interested to hear your thoughts.



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Those are fantastic visual scopes, but the benefits of fluorite (contrast) may not repay for imaging. Should you not be looking at lower chromatic aberration from a triplet and matching flattener/reducer? All Taks are wonderfully light though. The imaging blokes will no doubt dive in and give better advice than I can!!

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5 minutes ago, Stephenstargazer said:

Those are fantastic visual scopes, but the benefits of fluorite (contrast) may not repay for imaging. Should you not be looking at lower chromatic aberration from a triplet and matching flattener/reducer? All Taks are wonderfully light though. The imaging blokes will no doubt dive in and give better advice than I can!!

Thanks for your reply. I agree with you re: the fluorite doublets although I have heard of people using these for imaging with good results.

Albeit much more expensive that's why I added the 120 into the mix. Although I'm not sure my heq5 will be able to handle this scope?

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10 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

I have all 3 and they are wonderful, but I don’t image with them.

For imaging, people seem to like the FSQ 106

So it is fair to say that you like Taks then? ;) May I ask what mount you use for yours?

Wow - I have just looked at the price of the FSQ106. Wont be buying that one just yet! The TSA 120 would be a big stretch! 

However - good things come to those that wait so if it is the better one to go for i could add it to the list! :)

Edited by Jonny_H
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11 hours ago, JeremyS said:

I have all 3 and they are wonderful, but I don’t image with them.

For imaging, people seem to like the FSQ 106

I have just been looking at the FSQ 85 which is a tad easier on the wallet compared to the 106 and seems to have great reviews for AP.

The option with the 85 or similar - I would probably keep my 150pds as would give me a nice fov range between the two.

If I went down the route of a frac with a very similar fov to my 150 I would more than likely part with it.......then get a wider fov frac in the future! 😆 

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If you've already got a working 150PDS for imaging and you don't have unlimited budget, I don't quite understand why you will want to replace it with a frac of similar focal length (but less resolution due to smaller aperture). You won't gain anything from that.

My advice would be a shorter widefield frac instead of TSA120. Esprit 80 or various other 80mm f/6 triplets are good choices. If you must get a Tak, FSQ85 or maybe even wider FOA60 or FS60 will get my vote.

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31 minutes ago, KP82 said:

If you've already got a working 150PDS for imaging and you don't have unlimited budget, I don't quite understand why you will want to replace it with a frac of similar focal length (but less resolution due to smaller aperture). You won't gain anything from that.

My advice would be a shorter widefield frac instead of TSA120. Esprit 80 or various other 80mm f/6 triplets are good choices. If you must get a Tak, FSQ85 or maybe even wider FOA60 or FS60 will get my vote.

Thanks for the comments.

Not necessarily wanting to replace the 150. Just one of many, many options I am thinking about. 

Agree with the shorter widerfield frac views. I'm not going to rush into anything - just contemplating at the moment......again :)


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32 minutes ago, jetstream said:

Do you have one of the FSQ's Jeremy? I'm not familiar with them but some day something will be in the stable for imaging when available.

No I don’t, Gerry.

All my imaging these days is with my C11 and this is variable star photometry not “pretty picture” imaging

For many years I used my Tak FS 102 for both types of imaging. Was very good for that.

Edited by JeremyS
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