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Hello everyone,

I've been observing for a couple of months with an 8 inch Dobsonian Skywatcher - finally got round to setting up, after ditheriing for many years, and wish I'd started sooner. Located in a fairly large

East Riding village not too far away from Tophill Low. As the night-time clouds show no sign of going away, I thought I'd join the site and introduce myself.

To date, I'm getting on well with my scope. I purchased a 6mm Baader EP to supplement the two EPs that came as standard, which is terrific for Moon craters. Have also installed a 

Rigel quikfinder but as this makes using the straight finderscope a bit trickier, have ordered a RACI. My only other supplementary purchase is a Moon filter which I'm using a lot. 

Have found Turn Left at Orion incredibly useful as a reference book. When conditions make observing difficult/impossible (which happens a lot of the time), I enjoy looking into the history/theory of astronomy so any suggestions for videos or similar would be greatly appreciated. I also wear spectacles and find this gets annoying at times so any tips for spectacle wearers would also be useful.





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Hello and welcome,

you have a good setup there, just need something to actually see ....curse those clouds !

With a vast amount of info out there it's hard to say where to start, but maybe working through some of the free OU modules might be worth a try ?


I know I found a series of good youtube vids on the history of astronomy ages ago, I can't track down the link though . so in the meantime, if you like listening , you could have a trawl through the huge  radio 4 archive of Melvyn Bragg's' 'In our time' program , on science and find subjects which interest you


some of the modern science may be a little out of date (the prog.s date back a decade, and science moves on ...) but the historically focused ones like this one on Kepler are excellent




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Hello from Hessle - not a million miles away from you. :)  Welcome to the forum..  Need some clear sky and lockdown to be lifted but i'm after getting out to the moors when I can in search of some dark sky.  

Garden watching with a 6" dob but I Recently bought an AZ-GTI tracking mount for a 4" Achromat. Then the clouds rolled in so had no chance to even test it out yet..  :)


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