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Alternatives to a CEM70

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I'm looking for a new mount, as my current CGEM is not performing to the standard I want.

I'm considering the "basic" Ioptron CEM70, without the autoguider, but I've had several responses saying it's overpriced. Are there any alternatives in about the same price bracket (ie under £3k) that I should consider?

I generally use a 115mm refractor, which weighs in at 23lbs with all its extras. I also have an 11" SCT that I'm hoping to use once it's been serviced which is heavier, at around 32lbs in total.

This will be on a concrete pier, so I'm looking at a head unit only.



Edited by stevepsheehan
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I too am looking to upgrade my HEQ5 Pro to something that can handle my new 115mm refractor. I will need a tripod/tri-pier as do not have a permanent pier. Atm the moment the scope can go on the HEQ5 but it will very clearly hit the legs so took it off for now until I choose a mount. If I went with the EQ6-R Pro I would need the pier extension and not heard great things about the fit of that. The next step really appears to be the CEM70. I am not fussed about the iguider but would need the tri-pier to avoid the scope/camera hitting tripod legs. If this was a £1500 purchase I wouldn't be fretting so much, but its double that with the tri-pier for the CEM70 and I really need to ask myself do I need to spend that much and make do with the EQ6-R with pier extension.

Sorry I am not contributing much here but we are at least looking at one common possibility!

Edited by Deeko
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1 hour ago, Merlin66 said:

The pier extension is a good option.

I use one to extend my pier in the observatory for the NEQ6PRO.


Mainsail Obs 001s.jpg

Thanks for the info and image, did you need to mod the extension in anyway to make it secure?

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