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New Antlia 3nm Pro Narrowband Filters v's A Full Moon : The winner - A Rosette


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Bought a set of 3nm narrowband filters - Antlia - a Chinese company - very kean pricing v's the incumbant premium brands,  based on just this one image I am impressed with the result s as the subs for this image were all taken  over three sessions of the weekend 26-28th February so full moon conditions. 

Camera ASI1600MM - gain200 / -20degC
36 X 300s for each filter, Ha / Oiii / Sii - 9hrs total  subs

Stacked in APP, processed Pixinsight and PS CC

Two colour pallettes , first is a straight forward Hubble SHO and the second a  blend of various pixel math ratios and equations.





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Thanks for feedback - I also agree that the second colour scheme works better than the SHO version. But I thought I would post them both up just to get some other opinions


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  • 2 weeks later...

very nice , I like the 2nd one too as that s the colour scheme I normally use myself.

I was thinking of getting the Antlia 3nm ha, do you have any comparison images taken with your previous wider filters?


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I don't have any other narrowband images using this setup AT106 +ASI1600 and my other filter set - 6.5nm/7nm Optilong narrowband  - I do have a number of image taken with  the Optilong filters but with widefield rig using Samyang 135mm lens. But that's probably not a useful comparison.


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