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Colourful Rosette Nebula


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Since about 6 months now, I've finally got the pleasure of a back garden observatory. In the area of the Netherlands where I live, sky conditions are terrible for regular, broad band deep sky photography (the SQM-value varies about 18 magn./arcsec). That why I like to visit dark sites like @ollypenrice's Les Granges every once in while. One of the great benefits of a personal observatory is that you don't have to setup and brake down your equipment for every imaging or observing session. To be able to do deep sky imaging from my back garden with narrowband filters, I decided to go down the ZWO route with an ASI294MM Pro (mono) CMOS camera and their ASIAIR device to operate the equipment and sequence an imaging session from a mobile phone or tablet. Apart from some inconsistencies and unpredictable behaviour in the guiding interface, I'm impressed what the ASIAIR is capable of. Especially autofocusing works like a charm.


Because of the low f-ratio of the Epsilon-180ED (f/2.8), I use Baader Highspeed narrowband which are specially designed to use with fast optics. The OIII filter produces halos around bright stars. Apart from that, I'm very content with the performance of the filters.

The last two weeks we had a surprisingly large amount of clear skies in The Netherlands. I decided to go narrowband all the way on the Rosette nebula, and captured data though Ha, OIII and SII filters. Processing a multi-colour narrowband image is quite different from a regular RGB/one shot colour image. My mind wants to make a natural looking image, but that's nonsense when your actually creating a false colour image. Pure SHO colour mapping didn't give satisfying results, so I ended up mixing the colours over the three channels which resulted in this pastel-shaded Rosette. Total integration time is 14.5 hours: 18x 600s SII, 46x 600s Ha, 23x 600s OIII. Ha only was used for luminance. Hope you like it.

Higher resolution of the full field of view can be seen on my website.



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