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Cosmic Zoo - tadpoles, a spider and a fly


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Here I have combined RASA 8 data from the other night on the tadpoles (IC410), spider (IC417) and fly nebula (NGC1931) with RASA 8 data on the tadpoles from November 2020. All under a moon lit sky so I used the NBX filter. Clearly there is a lot of Ha nebulosity in this region.

The recent data (64 x 5 min) was collected 26-27 Feb and mixed with 27 Nov data (83 x 2 min). All with the RASA8 and ASI2600MC and IDAS NBX (Oiii Ha) filter. So totally 8.1 hours stacked in PI and processed in PS and PI.

By the way I never understood how NGC1931 could be seen as a fly; maybe it has to do with my love for insects.

The annotation is from Astrobin.

20210226-27 IC410&IC417 RASA NBX PS37smallSign.jpg

Skärmavbild 2021-03-01 kl. 17.11.34.png

Edited by gorann
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Wow, stunning image, theres so much going on in there! I can't see any insects at all though 😂

First time I've heard about RASA scopes, might have to look into them a bit further

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Thanks Poogle!

The spider is the one in the center shooting out a red harpoon down against the "fly" at the bottom left, supposedly..... I assume you can see the two small tadpoles (grodyngel) in IC410 if you zoom in.

You can see quite a few RASA images on my Astrobin page, link below.

Edited by gorann
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