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Anyone see Fireball 28th Feb 2021 Ireland to Southwest

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Good evening all.

I witnessed a bright fireball this evening at 21:55GMT/UTC (approx) heading  north-west (approx) about 2 deg. tail - mag. -5.0 (approx).
I was driving on M4 between junction 7 & 8/9 at the time, on my way home from work at LHR.
Edited by Philip R
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Was lucky enough to see it from Bodmin Moor, Cornwall last night. Was looking at the Moon but it was bright enough to catch out of the corner of my eye, so I turned in time. Fairly low, orange (due to altitude?), bright and with obvious fragmentation. Wish I'd taken a proper bearing now but probably ENE.

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Quick attempt at a track from mine and @Philip R's reports, although my bearing could be quite a long way off. Hopefully UK Meteor Network will do this properly from the videos. Philip, what colour was it for you please? I'm wondering if the orange colour I saw was mostly due to atmospheric reddening, it was pretty low for me.


Edit: Looks like my bearing is wrong and should be NE rather than ENE. Here's a link to 758 (so far) reports.

Edited by Knight of Clear Skies
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I was luck enough to see it from my back garden in Poole last night.  Was just recording observations of the Double Cluster in SkySafari when a bright flash caught my eye. First thought it was the local hoons letting off fireworks but no associated noise.

I thought it was heading NNE with clear fragmentation and a visible trail and quite slow, in meteor terms anyway. 

Orange in colour and seemed to disappear somewhere in Cepheus for me but I couldn't see very many stars low down to the north thanks to LP and the full moon.  

Time was about 21:54UT according to my frantically scribbled notes.

Edited by AdeKing
Updated direction, notebook says NNE not ENE
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I'm not an astronomer but was looking for reports of the fireball last night and came across this. I was out walking on the great sugarloaf in Wicklow and spotted the fireball last night. Visible for 3 to 4 seconds.

Based on the time here (9:54) (I hadn't recorded but thought about 10), I was at location 53.16174, -6.15258. The fireball was at about 19 degrees ESE from my location (above Kindlestown Hill), descending almost straight down, but a little northwards (possibly 5 degrees from vertical).

While there was yellow at the tip and orange behind it, I would have said it was predominantly red and flamey in colour/texture, and was clearly breaking apart as it (quite slowly) descended.

Sorry no video :(

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Yes!  21:55 last night, West to East, directly overhead.  Brighter than a firework, (brighter and bigger than the moon i would say), split into about 8 separate parts, and you could hear the 'booms'  (like a distant firework) about 10-15 secs after.  Would that be sonic booms, or just the break up noises?

It really was spectacular, just a shame i was imaging in a different direction, would have been very happy to catch that in a frame!



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