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An hour with Orion

Dark Vader

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I went out for an early one tonight just to try out using the SkEye app as a push to for the Dob. Total failure, even with a supposed 3 star alignment on Rigel, Sirius and Betelgeuse. Its probably nature's way of telling me to put my hand in my pocket and get a Rigel or a Telrad! Anyway, while I was out I went through some targets in Orion for an hour. 

Trapezium E&F both visible at 150x
Rigel A & B very clear at 150x
ETA Orionis clear split with 8mm barlowed Hyperion IV at 337x
52 & 32 Orionis, and Meissa all clearly split at 226x
Sigma Orionis, 4 stars clear with the 3 stars of Struve 761 at 150x
Stumbled across a lovely deep orange star just up from Alnitak, Sky Safari lists it as v1197Ori. 

Had to come in just past 8pm for family stuff - not a bad hour.


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Great E&F  I have only seen once in my first scope a 6"  reflector despite using a 8" and two refractors 4&5" I have not replicated it more to do with seeing than anything else. 

Whenever I get the chance look the seeing and transparency are rubbish one of these nights it will all come together. 

Nice report some good objects. 

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I would stick with SkEye and Indirect mode. Yes it has quirks but with the magnetometer calibrated, I find it works really well with my Telrad and lower power, wide angle EP.

Ref https://astro.catshill.com/skeye-a-push-to-finder-app


I also found 52 Ori difficult to split and I only gave it a 2* (W+W). 

My favourite doubles in Orion (so far) are:

5*: Rigel, Theta1/Trapezius of course, Sigma

4*: Iota, STF 761, STF 848, Delta

Edited by Spile
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