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The Moon 27-02-21


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Captured with the Skymax 102 & Nikon D7000.

25% of 250 still frames aligned in Pipp, stacked with AS!3. Deconvolution with IMPPG. Original image, then one with linear contrast added in PS, and another with more contrast again.

This feels like a decent image to me, now I feel like I'm getting back into the Lunar imaging properly after a fairly long break. :)

Click through to full size.



Linear Contrast


More contrast


Then a little bit of fun.

Annotated view


Pseudo aerial view of the terminator.


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Hi John just found your images after searching for a Nikon D7000  (Mine arrives tomorrow).  Is there any advice you can give on settings?

I've not used a DSLR before but if this is what's on the horizon I'm stoked to find out.  It will no doubt take me some time to get anything close to this

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Hi @Mach13

If you're going to be using it with the Skymax 127, you're in for a treat I'm sure. Your 127 is going to resolve more detail than my 102, and that's going to give me gear envy :)

Settings wise, just a few suggestions. 

  • If you're stacking images, don't be afraid of pushing ISO to give decent shutter speeds. I've never needed to go further than 1600 and  I've ended up with decent results on Lunar images. As my 102 has a focal ratio of 12.7, and yours is 11.8, in principle you have an extra stop so should be able to stick to 800 and below I reckon.
  • Shoot RAW, obviously, this applies to any DSLR really, more data for the software to work with.
  • A word of caution. The AZ GTi payload cap. is 5kg, your 127 weighs 3kg, the D7000 is 780g with battery and memory cards (just under 1kg if gripped). So almost 4kg with your t-adapter, even more if you're adding barlows/powermates etc. I don't know solid the AZ GTi and it's tripod are but you'll want to consider vibration. Put it in mirror lock-up mode to avoid mirror slap (M-up on the release mode dial) and use a wireless release, intervalometer, or the 'interval timer shooting' feature in the main shooting menu. Keep shutter speeds above 1/160s if you can.
  • You probably don't need me to tell you that with the AZ GTi being an AZ mount you'll get field rotation, but stacking software can sort that out.
  • I've found it beneficial to stack as few as 5 subs from the D7000, but more is better. Gains appear to be reduced to almost negligible above 250.
  • Use live view to focus. Zoom the LV to maximum (assuming you don't get too much vibration on that mount)
  • Have fun
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Awh your a legend john thanks so much  👏

I did have to google 'Field rotation' lol 😁 (another useful gem..) But I see there are EQ wedges that I can use down the road...

Will defo let you see what images I get when clear skys return... 👍



Also I've seen somewhere something about controlling the D7000 from a laptop - have you done that?


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