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Atik 314L doesn't seem "to see" anymore


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Hello Folks

I have an Atik 314L, which until recently has given me good performance. Testing some new equipment, I found the camera "doesn't seem to see" anymore.

It will give me the same grayish appearance as if in a lighted room (or shooting flats). It doesn't darken when I close it off,  brighten when I shine a light on it., nor change with 1, 3, 5, etc. seconds exposure (day & night)

Recently having tested OAG focusing, my thought was maybe it had something to do with this, and had taken a 5-10 sec. long full-dark exposure to "reset it).

I've also used different cables, and different computers, checked the settings in Artemis (also reinstalled drivers, no dice.  Nothing untoward has happened to it.

Does anyone have any experience with this, or would know what's going on? Is my camera shot?

Any advice would be appreciated. Below is a screenshot of how it  looks.

- Andy -


Atik screenshot.PNG

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Thanks for your replies, guys, I now have got it to where it "can see", however, the image is inverted, eg dark is bright, and bright is dark. By this I don't mean the negative function, where you can change the look of the image within Artemis, but I get an actual negative fit file output (when I turn on the negative function, the picture shows up "normal" in Artemis, but the output is still inverted).

I have attached screenshots (trees during the day).

I've written Atik, meanwhile I'm still trying to fix it.

- Andy -

Atik Test negative preview.PNG

Atik Test default preview_negative fit_file_output.PNG

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