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Sextractor (or alternative) on Windows?


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I'm developing software to automate a guiding system and the first stage is to identify and characterise the stars (and other objects) in the guide camera field.

Unfortunately, I'm obliged to use Windows for this system (I usually use Linux).

Has anyone got Sextractor running on Windows? Using CMake & Visual Studio I've spent a lot of time trying to get it to compile and build, without success - I keep getting obscure errors with undefined symbols when linking.

Alternatively, can anyone recommend a suitable replacement for Sextractor which is known to work on Windows?

Philip Taylor

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Hi Philip

If you're happy to use scikit-image and Python I have some relatively brief code that performs star extraction. It currently runs as part of a larger OS-independent application but should be easy enough to turn into a command line tool, if that is what you need.


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