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How to record a colour image of the moon with a OSC using Firecapture (or Sharpcap)

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Is there any particular way of recording the data and then processing to retain the colour?  I recorded a video earlier and stacked it in AS!3, but the colour doesnt seem right.  When I record in FC the image goes blocky and greyscale.  Does it have to processed in a certain way to bring back the colour?  I dont really understand what debayering does.




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The default setting in Firecapture is not to debayer when recording images as debayering, (to produce the colour image) takes significant processor time, particularly if you use higher quality debayer algorithms, so your capture frame rate will then drop significantly. So during recording the preview image is normally greyscale with the bayer grid pattern visible, and may also be lower quality if your capture PC is not high spec, to try to maintain the best capture frame rate.

Use Autostackert to debayer the recorded mono image, and therefore create the colour image. Under the 'Color' menu choose the desired option. Auto-detect may work OK, or select RGB. If the final  stacked and processed image colours still come out wrong selecting 'Force Color RGGB' should work for most cameras. It's possible the Autostackert preview image may display a colour image as you select the different options under the 'Color' menu so you can check the result right away, but I can't remember.

This Wiki article explains the Bayer filter matrix used in OSC cameras and DSLRs.


Edited by symmetal
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