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Trails when guiding

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I just had a really strange anomaly and I'm wondering if anyone has seen it before

The effect is shown in the images below, I suddenly got significant trailing for 20 minutes on 4 different subs:



Not unusual in itself but the guide log was at a steady 0.6" the whole time and showed no deviation in RA or Dec. 

Has anyone seen a clean guide log and trails this bad before?



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:) I knew someone would say differential flexure. I sort of agree in that the guide scope thought everything was fine and the imaging scope disagrees but this was on the same target I did last night over the same time period and there was no issue. The guide scope is bolted to a 5mm metal plate I welded so there's not much room for flexing

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To answer the first post point, if you are imaging with a reflector (of any sort) the guidescope mounting isn't the only source of flex.  The mirror mounting can and does move as the mount and scope's orientation change and a heavy camera load hanging off of a Skywatcher focuser can also shift position.

The shift to an OAG improved my imaging quite a bit.  Stars were much rounder and I no longer got the image drifting steadily across the frame during the session.

There's a thread here which describes a similar issue:


and Oddsocks answer halfway down the page in this one was revealing:


Edited by almcl
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Yep it's a 300PDS. The mirror wouldn't move at a consistent speed over 20 minutes so I can rule that out. The focuser was on my hit list but it can't be because it went back to normal after about 5 pics. 

I do have the drift you show in your thread and always have, I'm considering OAG at the mo

Thanks for the links, I will continue to look at moving to an OAG but that will inevitably lead to buying a CR2 focuser and it would be rude not to get a sceond lakeside at that point ... Here we go again!

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