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Extra Flat 27mm or Starguider ED 25mm?


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1 hour ago, Thalestris24 said:

Had a good view of the Moon with the aspheric on my 115mm/f6.95 frac and 2x Barlow :) Shame I don't have my phone adapter yet! Should come next week, hopefully.


They really shine in binoviewers for max field for those of us with wide nose bridges and deep eye sockets thanks to their diminutive size.  Since I generally use a 3x equivalent Barlow to reach focus, they are great across the field in my refractors and Dob.  Their light weight is also most welcomed in this usage to ease balance issues.

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17 minutes ago, Louis D said:

They really shine in binoviewers for max field for those of us with wide nose bridges and deep eye sockets thanks to their diminutive size.  Since I generally use a 3x equivalent Barlow to reach focus, they are great across the field in my refractors and Dob.  Their light weight is also most welcomed in this usage to ease balance issues.

Well, at least it wasn't a complete waste - I'll have to try it on some dso's, if I get the chance.


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25 minutes ago, Thalestris24 said:

Well, at least it wasn't a complete waste - I'll have to try it on some dso's, if I get the chance.


I've blown $15 on far more ill-advised purchases.  For example, I still have an Orion flexible red/white astro flashlight from the late 90s that quickly broke.  The switchable red filter in front of the bulb won't move into position rendering it useless at night.  I should have chucked it 20 years ago, but I had spent a decent chunk of change on it back then, so I couldn't bring myself to do it.

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25 minutes ago, Louis D said:

I've blown $15 on far more ill-advised purchases.  For example, I still have an Orion flexible red/white astro flashlight from the late 90s that quickly broke.  The switchable red filter in front of the bulb won't move into position rendering it useless at night.  I should have chucked it 20 years ago, but I had spent a decent chunk of change on it back then, so I couldn't bring myself to do it.

It's not the money, it's the principle!

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