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ZWO120 operation without using an expensive ZWO ASIAIR PRO or use of laptop

Dougie Smart

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Hi All,

I was considering purchasing a ZWO120 astrocamera, but found out that it only operates with either a laptop or an expensive ZWO ASIAIR PRO.

Is is possible to operate a ZWO120 directly via an Android tablet, as I don't want to risk damage to my laptop in cold conditions outside, and the ZWO ASIAIR PRO box seems rather expensive.

Are there any reasonably priced dedicated astrocams out there which can run without a laptop?

I am currently using my DSLR, but the results thus far are rather disappointing.

I look forward to any advice you can offer.



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You can use raspberry pi and linux on it. It will run Indi platform.

That is pretty much the same hardware as ASIAIR if I 'm not mistaken, but without all the bells and whistles. Basic RPI4 model with 2GB of ram costs something like £35 or so?

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All dedicated astro cameras need to be connected to a computer of some sorts.

It doesn't need to be a particularly powerful computer though, so if you have an old laptop lying around that would probably work - I use an almost 8 year old laptop that I've repurposed as a dedicated scope-side PC.

Also, if you have an old laptop running Windows 7 or 8, Microsoft allows you to upgrade to Windows 10 for free*


*I can confirm this to be true for Windows 8, it should work for Windows 7 as well, but I can't personally confirm that. 

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5 hours ago, vlaiv said:

You can use raspberry pi and linux on it. It will run Indi platform.

That is pretty much the same hardware as ASIAIR if I 'm not mistaken, but without all the bells and whistles. Basic RPI4 model with 2GB of ram costs something like £35 or so?


I was gonna suggest this. It works very well and doesn't limit you to certain products (in as much as it supports everything that Indi supports). Astroberry has most of the same software.

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Thanks guys, I've got some great advice there.

I currently have a Skywatcher 200PDS Newtonian and a 90mm Aco refractor, and not just got a drive for my Vixen DX mount, so hopefully will work better than using my Celestron 90LCM driven mount (which is non EQ).

The Raspberry Pi idea for the ZWO is a fine idea indeed, and I'll look more into that.

Thanks to all,


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ASIAIR is only a Rpi3 with some fancy interface and programming, a cleverer person than me could probably emulate it.

And fit a decent exterior WiFi aerial while they're about it.


Edited by Davey-T
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