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TS Optics Achromats vs Bresser/ Skywatcher etc.

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Hi, whilst keeping an eye on the price and availability of 80ED telescopes, I saw on the APM website a TS Optics 80/600 achromat. 

I know alot of people swear by the quality of their ED and APO lenses, build quality etc. I was wondering if anyone had any experience of their more budgetary options, particularly in relation to visual use only.... 

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TS scopes are really nicley put together scopes, much nicer than SW or Celestron. Visually at that fl you are going to get a ton of CA around the brighter objects. Where they excel is extended wide views of open clusters and some of the bright DSO's. Most of the folks on here won't even consider doublets for AP nevermind an achro. ED scopes by enlarge (not TAK) use FPL 51 or FPL 53 glass, 53 being the better of the two. You can get still these: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p7169_TS-Optics-ED-APO-80-mm-f-7-Refractor-with-2-5--R-P-focuser.html which are IMHO very good value for a grab and go scope or 4 inch https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4964_TS-Optics-ED-102-mm-f-7-Refractor-Telescope-with-2-5--R-P-focuser.html

If you are going to wait forever for the SW you might want to think about one of these


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On 14/02/2021 at 18:57, Carl Au said:

TS scopes are really nicley put together scopes, much nicer than SW or Celestron. Visually at that fl you are going to get a ton of CA around the brighter objects. Where they excel is extended wide views of open clusters and some of the bright DSO's. Most of the folks on here won't even consider doublets for AP nevermind an achro. ED scopes by enlarge (not TAK) use FPL 51 or FPL 53 glass, 53 being the better of the two. You can get still these: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p7169_TS-Optics-ED-APO-80-mm-f-7-Refractor-with-2-5--R-P-focuser.html which are IMHO very good value for a grab and go scope or 4 inch https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4964_TS-Optics-ED-102-mm-f-7-Refractor-Telescope-with-2-5--R-P-focuser.html

If you are going to wait forever for the SW you might want to think about one of these


Hi I'm considering the Altair Ascent Starwave 80ED, not the Skywatcher. Think it's the same scope as the TS-Optics. Not sure about customs charges so waiting for a bit more clarity... I hear that an import from EU will cost up to 35% more in charges and VAT... 

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