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M42 - RGB+HO


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Really not sure about this one as my RGB processing skills leave a lot to be desired.

This is 10 x 60s + 20 x 30s of RGB blended with 20 x 180s of H and OIII. Really not sure I used the best blend method but in the end I opted for the one that seemed to better keep the halos in check. Taken with a RedCat 51 + ASI1600 using Baader RGB and Astronomik NB filters - all unguided. Pre-processed in APP and then processed in PI and Affinity.


As always C&C welcome.

Thanks for looking.




Edited by Adreneline
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3 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Looks good Adrian, stars are a nice size and the grey/brown of the outer nebulosity looks great against the coloured core.

Thank you Adam. M42 is a real challenge with it's huge dynamic range. I was reluctant to use HDRMultiscaleTransform to pull out the core detail because all too easily it can look sort of false and contrived. As for the halos .... !


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1 hour ago, peter shah said:

I think its a good honest image Adrien

Thanks Peter. The RGB image looks reasonable - given my limited rgb processing skills - the HOO image looks pretty reasonable as well - the trick is clearly bringing it all together and realsing a bit of synergy. More trial and error required!


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