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Finally - RASA 11 first Light !

Roy Foreman

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Finally, after over 4 months of waiting, a semi decent night where it was clear enough for long enough to do a test session with the RASA 11.  Had to grab images between passing clouds, and the sky transparency was rubbish, but at least I managed to get something.  Just didn't get enough data for high quality results, but it was good to practise in poor conditions so that when a really clear dark night arrives ( if ever ! ) it doesn't get wasted on learning the foibles of a new scope. And there were a few.

The scope was fitted with Celestron's dedicated light pollution filter for the RASA. I'm really impressed with how well it performed - very neutral colour balance and what little light pollution I have was exterminated very effectively. Presumably this is why the filter costs £600 !!!

All images - ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro

M45 Pleiades - 21 x 30 sec

M42 Orion - 10 x 30 sec

Double Cluster - 42 x 30 sec

Next time I will use my D810a to see how well the scope covers a full frame sensor

Oh, yes, and I added star spikes to the Pleiades image to cover up the crappy spikes generated by the camera cables. Something to get sorted !


M45-1+3 2021-02-03.jpg

M42-1+2 2021-02-03.jpg

DC-2a 2021-02-03.jpg

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