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DSLR attempt at the "Witch Head" Nebula


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Hello Astronomers,

I'm sharing with you my image of the Witch Head Nebula, aka IC2118 & NGC1909 in the constellation Orion, near the star Rigel.

This object is very large in the sky, being 3°×1°, so I had to use my smallest telescope to deliver the wide angle and low power needed to image all of the "Witches" profile.

This is a very difficult object to image using a DSLR, and a dark sky is needed to capture it in it's full glory. I thought that I'd give it a go with my DSLR, and see what I end up with... I'm happy that the end result in my image shows the shape of the "Witch Head" but I think that the overall image will not be winning any awards.

This image has been exposed through a 80mm refractor @ 500mm FL, using my cooled and full spectrum modded DSLR for a total exposure time of 12 hours and 34 minutes, in a semi-rural, Bortle 5 (maybe 4) sky.





IC2118 RGB F6 9-15Jan2021 Frm vert.jpg

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