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Pleiades wide field

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I hadn't been expecting a clear sky last night, but we got one for a couple of hours that gave me the opportunity to quickly set up the Star Adventurer in the back garden.  

It was a little hazy, in Bortle 4/5 skies, but I managed 76x 1 minute subs with my Canon 6D and Samyang 135mm lens at f/2.8 and ISO800.  I captured some darks and flats too.  Stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop.

I would like to go deeper on this object, particularly for the "muckiness" in its locality, but as a starting point I'm reasonably happy.  Deep sky isn't something I've done a lot of, but it's nice to learn.  I'd welcome feedback, tips etc.  Thanks!


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