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Calibration module with RELCO 480 lamp for LOWSPEC spectrograph


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More than a year has passed since the construction of the Low Spec spectrograph in version 2.0 provided by the author of the project (@Paul Gerlach).
The project provided for the purchase of a ready-made module for illumination of the slit.

From the beginning, I missed a decent calibration module and slit illumination.
But why buy something for almost PLN 100, when you can illuminate the slit while building a spectrum calibration module and add additional functionality.
Everything is great on the "project":

image.png.3bea1508cb27ee5b78edc3e061606c6f.png (773×696)

Inside the device:

image.png.1e2aebc91efd5eb4f0817067b902936d.png (828×707)

But the electrical diagram I drew was not correct (I don't know anything about it at the time).
Not everything worked, so the modifications during soldering and compromises started: D, after a few attempts with soldering and desoldering, my calibration module finally works as it should.

It was important for me that the calibration standard should be stationary (not moving), and this of the available components on the market only provides an imaging flip mirror with a tilting mirror. 
It is sold under various brands with T2 threads, so it has a lot of possibilities for mounting various accessories and I made the right module for it. 
No store in Poland undertook to order it, so I had to buy it on my own (UK).

RELCO 480 starter spectral lamp:


The cylindrical mirror is a piece of aluminum foil stuck to it for packing sandwiches :D

Slit illumination also works:


Finally, only one LED informing that the slit illumination is on (the RELCO lamp with the diode on doesn't work).

Now it's time to put together the set:


Low Spec with 2 cameras and a calibration module is very big and heavy:


Solar line tests in diffused light on clouds:



RELCO 480 spectral lines have two values, the upper one is measured by calibrating the spectrum with solar lines, and the lower value is taken from
Richard Walker, CH-Rifferswil, 2017, Glow Starter RELCO SC480 Atlas of Emission Lines, available online: https://www.ursusmajor.ch/downloads/sques-relco-sc480-calibration-lines-5.0.pdf
The difference between my measurements and the data from the Echelle spectrograph from the above atlas is basically negligible, everywhere smaller than 0.2 Å, which means that on my scale it is below 1 pixel.
It seems that the construction of the calibration module was successful.

The calibration module will facilitate a sufficiently accurate calibration of the spectra of faint stars without clear metal spectral lines and in regions where there are no atmospheric oxygen and water absorption lines used for accurate spectral calibration.

I had to capture pictures quickly because I have a drift on the diffraction grating holder (the spectra move over time).
Rather, it is loose, there is a micrometer screw and a spring, so the holder isn't very stable.

I would to improve it next.

Edited by Bajastro
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The signaling LED has been powered together with the RELCO spectral lamp.

Electronics inside:


This device is powered by 230V, 2x47k Ohm resistors reducing the current intensity are in the plug from the cable.

Edited by Bajastro
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