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OnStep - Alt-Az


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I'm planning to control the software from my smartphone(android).
I do have SkySafariPro4 installed already. It is tempting to make a go-to, but maybe, just maybe I'll go for a push-to and tracking.
On second thought, the latter is (maybe) not possible, Don' know(yet) need to find out.

In the past I already made a push-to. That was installed on my very first printed telescope(Printsonian). It had two encoders(selfmade out of old mice) and worked very well.

Edited by Chriske
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18 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

I'm looking to do similar with a Dob mount, investigating the MaxESP3 and Arduino at the moment.

You might want to consider the WeMos R32 with CNC V3 Shield version as well.

This option, which uses the same ESP32 chip as the maxESP, has only been available for about 6 months so it is still a bit experimental & not all the optional Onstep features have been implemented yet, but if it has the features you want the build is at least as simple as the Mega2560 options but with better performance.

Just plug the CNC shield into the WeMos R32, plug in a pair of LV8729 drivers, connect power & motors and you have a funtional controller that can be directed by Bluetooth from your phone.


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