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Ardinio goto for eq3-2


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Hi guys sorry to be a pain, I've been searching about for days on diy'ing goto or at least a tracker for my eq3-2 mount... 

I seem to be reading loads of varrying bits but can't quite put the full picture together and it's making me more confused... 

Any chance someone can point me in the right direction of what I should be reading and taking note of some sort of guide or how to? 

Or even give me a dummies type bullet point version of the process I can than go expand on.. 

Thanks for any help I can muster together itching to start buying things


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I had the standard after-market motors on my EQ3-2 which was good enough for solar system imaging (Sun/Moon/planets), but if you want GOTO and control from a PC then as Julian says, AstroEQ is definitely worth a look.  I converted mine to use AstroEQ (switching to stepper motors for driving the axes) some time back and whilst I've not yet used it "in the field", it seems to work very nicely on the bench.


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I only at 1st wanted to go with tracking but read something saying if you've gone that far may as well go goto.... Also guiding will be something that I'd be looking to adopt.. 

I have come across astro eq in my readings but then my next search will come up with me ending up reading about onestep... Then I'd read some about arduino's then some on raspberry pi's.... There's other things that's getting mixed in there too PhD, github, amongst a host of other words that have lost me my direction

Its all just created conflicting info in my head and I was just hoping to get a prod in the right direction... 

Regarding astro eq which sounds like the direction you two have gone, on the site it says closed due to covid!? So can't get any of there stuff


Edited by ShaunyC
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I have built the AstroEq mega version and it works great, I use Astro berry on a pi 4, the software is kstars/ekos. It does everything in one package (cameras, alignment, tracking, go to, focus, guiding and sequencing). To make it easier to implement the mega AstroEq. I designed a custom shield for the mega. See here: 


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