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Jupiter Occults Mag +5.9 Star - 2021 APR 02


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During the predawn hours of 2021 APR 02, there may appear to be a fifth Galilean satellite around Jupiter. Actually, it will be the magnitude +5.9 star 44 Capricorni. 

Some observers in eastern North America may be able to witness the star being occulted by Jupiter during nighttime for over an hour. This would be a daytime occultation in Europe.

Optical aid would be needed to witness this due to the brilliance of Jupiter overwhelming the star.

I calculate that the star will be occulted from 08:48 to 10:00 UT (03:48 to 05:00 CDT – 04:48 to 06:00 EDT).

Photos and descriptions of the event would be welcome additions to my similar thread in the forum for Observing-Planetary. 


Edited by CentaurZ
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