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First time with binos


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Hey all,

first time observing tonight with some 15x70 SkyMaster binoculars. It's quite a nice feeling being able to see the night sky again, even if I should really put them binos on a tripod (the arm wiggle begins after a few minutes!)

Anyway. I was trying to observe IC 405 the Flaming Star Nebula. Whilst I Could find the stars and the location correctly and straight forward. I couldn't actually sight the nebula itself. However I also tried to sight IC 410 The Tadpole Nebula but again couldn't see anything :( 

Apparently it should be visible in any binos bigger than 7x50, so I have the correct gear.

I can only conclude that perhaps it's the Moon washing it out? I should really have given my eyes longer to acclimate but then again there's probably a limit how much they will get used to the dark when the big lamp in the night sky is out!

So I guess that's it, can't view the neb because of the Moon. Although M42 and M31 are always fun to sight and look at. It was actually my first time ever finding M31 without Go-To. Small victories and all that ;) 


Clear skies all

Edited by AstroRuz
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  • AstroRuz changed the title to First time with binos

In my first days observing I also tried the Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga, with a 130mm Astromaster reflector. I found the correct location, consulted Stellarium again and again but no luck, not even a hint of the nebulosity. I decided it was my light pollution Bortle 5/6. Since then I take all these nice pictures in Stellarium with a pinch of salt, maybe it is possible with a big Dob in deep darkness. No such thing in Oxford. No big Dob either :( Open clusters on the other hand are great with binoculars and Auriga has three very good ones M36, 37 and 38, roughly in a line bisecting Alnath and Theta Aurigae.  I love looking at them both with binos and a telescope.

Have fun with the Celestron binos! I have the same pair for a quick look around. Ideally they are for a tripod but many people, myself included manage to handhold them, especially propped on something, e.g. on a fence post.

Edited by Nik271
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The Double Cluster looks good even in full moon. The Hyades and Pleiades are also a good choice provided the moon is not too close to them.

Also can check out  the red carbon stars: Hind's Crimson star in Lepus and the Garnet Star in Cepheus.

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How good are your skies? From really dark skies they might it be possible, but not overwhelming, possibly be fitting from some filtration. In the same list would be the monkeyhead, california and rosetta nebulae. There are many big hydrogen nebulae out there that can be hinted at with binoculars, but they need special kit to really show much better.... big dobs ain’t the best option either as jet have smaller fields of view. Binoculars are best for rich starfields and clusters and shine best when their views can be stabilised as well as possible, then they can show lots of tiny stars. 


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