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buying a new telescope

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hi everyone

i have posted before about getting another telescope my first one i had was a celestron powerseeker 114eq i had to leave behind years ago. i was interested in the 200 dob 8inch then i started watching more and more videos on youtube and i started to realize the size would get in the way as i live in a small block of flats and it would be to much hassle getting it in and out of the flats. at the start my price range was 250 now its between 4 and 500 i seen the skywatcher 200p eq5 on first light optics there out of stock just now but i can wait as the weather aint that good anyway lol but around where i live nearthere is a big open space where people walk their dogs and a golfcourse and a big football park with no lights as its an open area so i have no problem finding somewhere to go and no one is around at night as there is no street lights in these places plus i dont drive so carying a big dob telescope and a big stand is out of the question lol where as an mount which i can buy a carrying bag for and telescope would be alot easier for me is the skywatcher a good telescope to get back into astronomy im not really into the goto mounts as i would rather learn the night sky with a telescope than a straight goto as my little brother who has autism and he is starting to get into space and planets and he likes a challange so i thought this is a good way for him to learn the night sky just now and then try and find it on a telescope has anyone had experince with a skywatcher 200. also i like the way the skywatcher  looks lol.  i will try and include photos of the moon from the celestron telescope i took a good couple of years ago.






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The 200p on an eq5 mount maybe a little heavy to carry from your flat to your dark sites also. It also depends what you want to use your scope for, just visual of imaging. Would an alt az mount suit your needs and be more portable with a Skywatcher maksutov. I live in a first floor flat and had a sw explorer 150p eq3-2 and never got in down the stairs so recently sold it and bought an az gti mount to use with my sw Skymax 127 mak. Have a look at the more portable mounts and tripods possibly a  sw az pronto or az5. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-az5-deluxe/sky-watcher-skymax-127-az5-deluxe.html

I also love the look of Skywatcher equipment and very reliable. Sorry I can't be more help. Clear skies 

Edited by LeeHore7
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Or maybe this one https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-starquest/sky-watcher-starquest-102mc-f127-maksutov-cassegrain-telescope.html, I think you can put a Skymax 127 on it though not sure.  On YouTube, Jenams astro reviews it here


Plus I've seen examples of a Skymax 127 on a sw star adventurer mount and tripod. 

Edited by LeeHore7
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21 minutes ago, LeeHore7 said:

The 200p on an eq5 mount maybe a little heavy to carry from your flat to your dark sites also. It also depends what you want to use your scope for, just visual of imaging. Would an alt az mount suit your needs and be mord portable with a Skywatcher maksutov. I live in a first floor flat and had a sw explorer 150p eq3-2 and never got in down the stairs dfo recently sold it and bought an az gti mount to use with my sw Skymax 127 mak. Have a look at the more portable mounts and tripods possibly a  sw az pronto or az5. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-az5-deluxe/sky-watcher-skymax-127-az5-deluxe.html

I also love the look of Skywatcher equipment and very reliable. Sorry I can't be more help. Clear skies 

hi lee thanks for your reply i live on the ground floor flat and the walking time to the dark parts range from 5 mins to 15 mins and i dont mind carrying it i used to be a landscaper so im used to heavy things lol but the dob just seemed to big and my neighbours would prob think im setting up a missile device or something lol. im wanting to do some visual but maybe in the future try some imaging thats why i was thinking the skywatcher 200p and i could upgrade the mount when i decided to do imaging al watch a couple of videos on youtube of the telescope you mentioned 

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17 minutes ago, Stargazer31 said:

hi lee thanks for your reply i live on the ground floor flat and the walking time to the dark parts range from 5 mins to 15 mins and i dont mind carrying it i used to be a landscaper so im used to heavy things lol but the dob just seemed to big and my neighbours would prob think im setting up a missile device or something lol. im wanting to do some visual but maybe in the future try some imaging thats why i was thinking the skywatcher 200p and i could upgrade the mount when i decided to do imaging al watch a couple of videos on youtube of the telescope you mentioned 

No worries, you'll be looking for the eq mount then really the eq5 but is still heavy though, great choice though being ground floor, maybe a sw150p or 150pds on eq5 preferably will be a useful scope for you 👍

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Hi, I have the 200p on an eq5 and you’ll not be disappointed with it for sure. It’s a great allrounder.  

The OTA is light enough and I’d have no trouble carrying on my back if a suitable bag was made. I’ve seen similar by others. You might need to collimate it every trip though. Mine looses collimation when moving it around. No big deal as it’s a quick process anyway.

The EQ5 would be doable and the bulk of the weight is in the counterbalance weights, two at 5kg. Tripod n mount in one hand and weights in the other with the OTA on your back but it’ll be heavy going. I carry a similar weight in tools around sites most days and I’m mid 50s. Spread the weight and I think it can be done.

Don’t forget the eyepieces etc. That’ll be another bag.

Good luck. 

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7 minutes ago, LeeHore7 said:

No worries, you'll be looking for the eq mount then really the eq5 is a great choice for you being ground floor, maybe a sw150p or 150pds on eq5 preferably will be a useful scope for you 👍

so you think maybe giving the 200p up for the 150pds with the eq5 mount is a better choice. do you think there would be much ov a diff with visual or image between the 150 and 200 or more or less relatively the same outcome lol 

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20 minutes ago, SMF said:

Hi, I have the 200p on an eq5 and you’ll not be disappointed with it for sure. It’s a great allrounder.  

The OTA is light enough and I’d have no trouble carrying on my back if a suitable bag was made. I’ve seen similar by others. You might need to collimate it every trip though. Mine looses collimation when moving it around. No big deal as it’s a quick process anyway.

The EQ5 would be doable and the bulk of the weight is in the counterbalance weights, two at 5kg. Tripod n mount in one hand and weights in the other with the OTA on your back but it’ll be heavy going. I carry a similar weight in tools around sites most days and I’m mid 50s. Spread the weight and I think it can be done.

Don’t forget the eyepieces etc. That’ll be another bag.

Good luck. 

hey thanks for your reply i was hooked on the telescope as soon i started watching videos lol and collimation is no problem 

what i was thinking of doing is getting a backpack where i can put one of each weights in the side pockets and eyepieces and mount can go inside along with other things i will need like food lol as i can expect to be there a while lol and some backpacks you can get things to able you to hang things on the front so i was thinking maybe putting the tripod legs there or laying then and strapping them in on the top of the bag 

the telescope tube its self i was thinking of modifying a christmas tree storage bag with plenty of padding inside and carrying the telescope like that 



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There will be a difference between the amount of light the 200p will gather over the 150pds with the 200p gather more light and in reflectors aperture is king. If you think you can carry the equipment the distance I'd go for the 200p everytime, though as Smf said above it'll a bit to carry about when you take your ep's and in the future dslr. It may be worth comparing both against each other regarding weight of the setups. I can't say which to buy as I'm quite a newbie and only going on my past experiences. I'm sure others will have better advice. 

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Yeah as Ricochet says the 200p on an EQ5 mount will take up more space in your flat than the 200p dob, and it will be heavier too as you need the scopes weight in counterweights for the EQ mount. It may be easier to break down and carry though, with the mount head and counterweights in a rucksack, tripod in one hand and OTA in the other, but it will be much more faff to set up and tear down each time you take it out. 

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10 hours ago, Stargazer31 said:

so you think maybe giving the 200p up for the 150pds with the eq5 mount is a better choice. do you think there would be much ov a diff with visual or image between the 150 and 200 or more or less relatively the same outcome lol 

A 150p on an AZ4 would be cheaper, lighter and a lot more easy to use than a GEM

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Hi , I have a 200p on an EQ5 .. for me its a great combo , but , it is a bit unwieldy and carrying it any distance as has been said on here is a bit of a faff . 

Good scope though !  

I have had a 150pds before and it really is a lovely scope .. very light and easy to manage , so you can't go far wrong with one of those .

One more thing , you will end up in all sorts of positions using a 200p on an EQ5 ... i often  have to loosen the tube rings to get the focuser in a position favourable for viewing . 

This is probably the main drawback i find with this scope . I have had 200mm and 250mm dobs and they are great . If its viewing only then i reckon its a good shout to buy one . 

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Two points here: I had a 200p newtonian on a manual EQ-5 and I thought it was horrible. It was big, and I found that there was no leg extension that would let me view low objects over the garden fence and also view the zenith. The stright-thru finder was hard to use. The eyepiece often got into awkward positions. In fact I disliked it so much that I soon bought a more expensive C8 SE GoTo SCT outfit.

Getting the Newt operational was for me a four-lift operation: the tripod and mount, the counterweight and spreader tray, the OTA, and the other bits such as eyepieces and observing notes and a rest for the observing notes.  If you persist in buying the 200p and EQ5 or the 200mm Dob, which is of similar bulk and weight, I strongly recommend you get a 4-wheel camping trolley or similar on which you can load up all the stuff and wheel it out to your observing site.

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I fail to see how a 200p on EQ 5 is easier to store/move than a 200 Dob. You could add a couple of straps around the OTA to help. The EQ 5 is heavy and bulky. I would say that if a 200 dob is to big you could get the SW 150/750 flextube which you can carry in one hand and store anywhere.

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12 hours ago, Stargazer31 said:

hi lee thanks for your reply i live on the ground floor flat and the walking time to the dark parts range from 5 mins to 15 mins and i dont mind carrying it i used to be a landscaper so im used to heavy things lol but the dob just seemed to big and my neighbours would prob think im setting up a missile device or something lol. im wanting to do some visual but maybe in the future try some imaging thats why i was thinking the skywatcher 200p and i could upgrade the mount when i decided to do imaging al watch a couple of videos on youtube of the telescope you mentioned 

My opinion: if your going to do deep sky imaging then don't stay with you reflector. better get a wide field apo refracter. https://astrobackyard.com/refractor-telescope-astrophotography/

and do get a dobsonian not with eq mount! 😊

Kind regards,


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On 20/01/2021 at 22:31, Stargazer31 said:

the dob just seemed to big and my neighbours would prob think im setting up a missile device or something lol. im wanting to do some visual but maybe in the future try some imaging thats why i was thinking the skywatcher 200p and i could upgrade the mount when i decided to do

I got a 200p Jan 2020on an eq5 mount, it isn't a great combination, I did however manage some A.P. with it before I upgraded the mount, I can't travel as I need to be handy for the lady I help. Previous comments are correct about e.p. positions. way back in the 90's I had a 10" Dark Star Dob and it was a beast I wouldn't have carried anywhere but the back garden at the time, so it seems to me that the 200P is a carry scope (just) I am not sure if I would carry it to the local rugby field, same sort of walking distance with  an eq mount, possible an Alt/Az as has also been suggested, but I don't have experience of larger scopes on such mounts.

Your comment about a missile launcher strikes a cord, back in 2019 I was doing some star trials in said rugby field, when the police turned up asking about my rifle, (tripod slung over shoulder) police received a call there was a person with a gun, anyway he was satisfied I posed no threat and called of the armed unit, then put straight about a few things astronomical, and he said I knew my stuff, I will leave it there.

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On 28/01/2021 at 14:00, Nicola Hannah Butterfield said:

my rifle, (tripod slung over shoulder)

It always surprised me I never got challenged for carrying my "rifle" (tripod in a long soft case) into school auditoriums for performances.  I guess everybody knew I was the guy with the large video tripod.  I also always had a large still and video camera case over the other shoulder.

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On 20/01/2021 at 21:22, Stargazer31 said:

hi everyone

Hi Stargazer31, I won't give you any advise on telescopes but will recommend a book:

Turn Left At Orion it will help you out a lot:


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9 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

I had a 200p on a EQ5 goto never had a problem with it I did have a Telrad on it and I had two rings so I could spin the tube so the focuser is in  easier position to see into. 


Is it possible to observe while seated using this setup?  It seems like it would need a really tall observing chair.

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3 hours ago, Louis D said:

Is it possible to observe while seated using this setup?  It seems like it would need a really tall observing chair.

For some higher objects you would either have to stand or have a good sized chair but as said before if you put a pair of rotation rings on you can spin the the scope so you can get the focuser in a better position. These rings can be made out of jubilee clips using a piece of mini electrical trunking the flat part that pushes on when you have put the cables in, put them on the outside of your scopes rings then you can loosen the bolts to your rings and the scope will spin to a position you can easily look through the focuser.


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