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These star things....

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....what do they look like?

I'm beginning to forget what to do, I've not managed to get out this year!  I doubt I'm on my own in this, but I thought I'd share the grumble.  It might have been clear a couple of nights at the start of the year, but I wasn't feeling 100%.  I couldn't even get warm indoors, so i thought it wasn't a good idea to be standing out in the garden, Mrs Slog would have had 'words'.

There were also a couple of nights when i thought I saw a star through the window.  Quite excitedly, I was changing into warm clothing but the moment I got outside, I realised the stars i could see were just the exceptionally bright ones, and there were only a few showing through a haze of high cloud sort of a Bortle20+.  No point in getting equipment out for that.

It's going to look a bit strange when I do get out there, I know stars will have moved on a bit and won't be where I left them!  :)


I hope others are having better luck.

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Well here too, outside of Toronto Canada i haven't seen the sky at all in about 4 weeks straight, unreal.  We amateurs love to gripe about clouds and crappy weather, common people! i know we can gripe a lot better than this!.

Edited by Sunshine
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Not managed to get out properly this year yet either.  Maybe tonight or Saturday evening is showing a little better for me.  I put my hands up its my fault as I've recently received my az gti mount and tripod, to finally get my skymax 127 outside.  A clear spell last night around 4 am lasted for 3 minutes , I got all excited and then the clouds rolled  in again.  I will try my new mount eventually??????

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3 hours ago, LeeHore7 said:

Not managed to get out properly this year yet either.  Maybe tonight or Saturday evening is showing a little better for me.  I put my hands up its my fault as I've recently received my az gti mount and tripod, to finally get my skymax 127 outside.  A clear spell last night around 4 am lasted for 3 minutes , I got all excited and then the clouds rolled  in again.  I will try my new mount eventually??????


I've heard of that.

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Managed to see something last night, the sky was clear for a change, I didn't even mind the moon spoiling the view. (It can't help it).

I did my usual 'bumble around until I see something' and that something turned out to be  NGC1528,  at least that's what i think it was.  Right place, right shape and the pics I've seen match my poor drawing.

Next I went to look for Bode's Galaxy, again.  Pointed to where I thought it should be, and after very little messing, there it was.  Plus M82 and NGC3057. 


Happy.  :)



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