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William Optics EQ5?

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Hi everybody,

Looking at buying a second hand scope. One of the scopes I am looking at is said to be mounted on an "Williams optics EQ5 mount"... Yet using Google to try and research I can't find any info. I can't get to view the scope yet, so am unable to verify the accuracy.

Do these exist or is it just the seller is possibly mistaken? 

Clear skies to you all. 

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I agree that is a Skywatcher or Celestron branded EQ5 mount.

William Optics do have an alt-azimuth mount with their branding on it (the EZ Touch) and an equatorial mount (the EQ35) but the one in those links is not one of those.



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Thanks for the feedback. 

May have been a mix up in communications, I had also asked about EPs that came with the scope. So it looks like I got answers to the EP question but not the mount question. That said a eq5 isn't to be sniffed at. Will definitely handle the scope it comes with 

Thanks again,


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