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Tricky triplet


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Well now I know that combining three dee sky targets is much harder than combining two. I can't get the background sky any better than this - I know it's too dark and uneven. However, it is better than my previous shot of the Triplet in the Genesis. This is a 3 way job with the Meade 127, using bits from the old image to fill in the gaps.

Glad that's over!! It would be easier to have a big chip sometimes...



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Well, gradient/blotchy or not, a spectacular result there, I especially like your NGC 3628 (almost appears the brightest of the three, though it's really the faintest...) I would have been sure that it would be possible to even out the sky glow more, especially around the M66 component, without too much trouble - although it's only noticeable if I stare hard at my bright monitor. But you say no?

And I'd suggest this, have you got any data outside the area of the image on display? If so, try cropping not quite so hard perhaps?

But a first-rate image even without any more done to it. Few triplets are of this quality.

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