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Stacking filtered and unfiltered frames

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Hi all! Might be a strange question but is it okay to stack raw dslr subs of the same target that were taken with and without a filter? Context is that I normally shoot using an Astronomik CLS clip-in on my modified Canon 450D, but I stupidly forgot to put it in one session. Do I also have to take a new set of flats without the filter on? I'm a bit perplexed about how the color balancing works since the CLS results in a blue color cast in my sub frames. Thanks!

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This is the kind of question you can only answer by trying various ways of combining the data, and how you combine them depends on what software you're using. Any experimentation you do will teach you a lot about processing so it will be good experience. 


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11 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

This is the kind of question you can only answer by trying various ways of combining the data, and how you combine them depends on what software you're using. Any experimentation you do will teach you a lot about processing so it will be good experience. 


I stacked the filtered and unfiltered data separately. Each has around 54-56 minutes of integration under Bortle 9 skies. The unfiltered data seems to have less contrast in the Ha signal from the Horsehead. However, it does have more detail in the Flame and surrounding reflection nebulae. Quite an interesting experiment really!

F&H no filter.png

Flame and Horsehead Nebula.png

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